From: Ron Hays []
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 01:00
Subject: Oklahoma's Farm News Update
Oklahoma's latest farm and ranch news
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON for Tuesday August 21, 2007!
A service of Farm Credit of East Central Oklahoma & Midwest Farm Shows
-- Monster Rains From Erin Swamp Farmland and Pastures along with Roads and Towns.
-- Cotton Crop Field Reports from the Northern Front Lines!
-- Break the Genetic Code- Graze Wheat Longer!!!
-- The New Advertising Strategy for the Beef Industry- more with Kim Essex!
-- Wheatland Stocker Conference is Tomorrow in Enid
-- Today is Deadline for Early Registration for National Food Safety Conference Slated for Next Month in OKC.
-- Crop Weather Update Available from Monday Afternoon

Howdy Neighbors!

Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. We are proud to welcome Farm Credit of East Central Oklahoma as a regular sponsor of our daily email update. Farm Credit of East Central Oklahoma has ten branch offices to serve your farm financing needs and is dedicated to being your first choice for farm credit. Check out their website for more information by clicking here!

Our email this morning is also a service of Midwest Farm Shows, featuring the springtime Southern Plains Farm Show in Oklahoma City, as well as the Tulsa Farm Show held each December. Check out details of both of these exciting shows at the official website of Midwest Farm Shows by clicking here.

If you have received this by someone forwarding it to you, you are welcome to subscribe and get this weekday update sent to you directly by clicking here.

Monster Rains From Erin Swamp Farmland and Pastures along with Roads and Towns.
The rainfall totals that swept in with the leftovers of Tropical Storm Erin were amazing and approached ten inches of rain west of Oklahoma City in the central part of the state. One of the highest totals recorded by the Mesonet seems to be Ft. Cobb, with over nine inches of rain recorded.

We have a link below of a graphic that shows where the rains fell Saturday and Sunday, causing flooding, likely crop loss and a lot of misery here in mid August.

The Governor inspected some of the hardest hit areas on Monday- Kingfisher, Blaine and Caddo Counties. His office issued the following statement on Monday afternoon- "Gov. Brad Henry today declared a state of emergency in 24 Oklahoma counties hit hard over the weekend by the remnants of Tropical Storm Erin. High winds and flooding have caused severe damage in many communities around the state. Today's disaster declaration is the first step toward seeking federal assistance. In addition, Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management officials are in the midst of preliminary damage assessments to determine the extent of damages. "
The counties that the Governor declared as Disaster Areas include Blaine, Caddo, Canadian, Cleveland, Comanche, Cotton, Custer, Dewey, Grady, Jefferson, Kingfisher, Kiowa, Lincoln, Logan, McClain, Muskogee, Okfuskee, Oklahoma, Okmulgee, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Seminole, Stephens, and Washita. More counties will be added as needed.

Click here for the rainfall totals of the Rainfall from Erin that struck Oklahoma August 18-19.

Cotton Crop Field Reports from the Northern Front Lines!
Our thanks to Vic Schoonover and NTOK as Vic has a couple of cotton crop updates for us- one from fellow OALP Class One Alum Dick Cooper out of Liberal, Kansas who works for Plains Cotton Cooperative and the second from Monte Kahle, Great Plains Cotton Gin manager, Blackwell, Ok,

Dick Cooper reports "Our crop in general is two weeks behind average. This is not a concern for us from Central Kansas (Pratt) to the east which is mostly dryland. Crop maturity is a major concern in southwest Kansas where we get 300 less heat units in an average year than eastern Kansas. We will need an exceptionally good September in terms of heat units as well as a later than normal freeze for this crop out here to mature. Other than that, our crop looks excellent in most areas. We are in our 14th day of plus 100 degree weather and some areas in Crowley, Sumner and Harper counties are definitely showing stress. Insects of all kinds have been a problem in eastern areas but control appears to be effective. We have had very little abandonment on what we planted. Our biggest problem was not getting the crop in the ground. We lost 30,000 acres of production due to the continued rain in May and June. Thousands of acres of wheat were never harvested in this area which prevented us from having any double crop cotton. We are estimating 80 percent or more of our cotton acres are in Flex varieties, particularly 1572, and weed control is the best we have ever seen. I had a report from Gene Latham, Winfield, Ks., that the cotton acres in Lahoma, Hennessey, Canton and Fairview, Ok., are in very good shape. Again, we missed getting a lot of cotton planted in these new areas due to excessive rain at planting time. In summary, corn prices took half of our irrigated acres base (30,000 acres) and the inability to plant took at least another 30,000 acres. What acres we do have look better than average."

From Blackwell, Monte Kahle tells us "In Kay Co., Oklahoma, cotton looks real good. Irrigated yields are estimated at two bales per acre and dryland cotton at 5-600 pounds per acre. While struggling from the heat, the cotton fruit load is heavy now. We are down 1,000 acres due to too much rain in Kay Co. and down by Covington, Ok. One of our producers there planted three times and did not get a stand. I'm not aware of any serious aphid damage in our area. Plenty of Roundup Ready Flex varieties have been planted in our areas in Kansas and Oklahoma. Our Kansas customers have reduced cotton acreage of about 3,000 acres. This is two-thirds due to corn/milo production and one-third due to excessive rain. The Kansas cotton looks particularly good in Sumner and Cowley Counties."

Click here to learn more about the NTOK efforts to support cotton production in Oklahoma, Kansas and North Texas.

Break the Genetic Code- Graze Wheat Longer!!!
Liuling Yan only joined Oklahoma State University's Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources last year, but that move is already helping the southern Great Plains states make major breakthroughs in wheat improvement. Yan is a world-class scientist with impressive accomplishments in the development and application of molecular genetics tools and techniques, said David R. Porter, head of OSU's department of plant and soil sciences. "Dr. Yan takes genetic improvement to a new level to produce improved wheat varieties, and that is certain to help Oklahoma producers be competitive in the world market," Porter said. "We're very pleased that he is a member of our department and the Division's Wheat Improvement Team." Yan and his research group, working in collaboration with Brett Carver, OSU Regents professor of wheat genetics and breeding, recently discovered a genome region that has a significant effect on the development process of winter wheat. A DNA marker for this genomic region has been developed to select lines for biomass production that can be utilized as forage or as a supplemental biofuel feedstock. "This exciting find was achieved based on the genetic segregation of flowering time in a population generated from a cross between two winter cultivars, Jagger - a typical early flowering wheat variety - and 2174, a late-flowering wheat variety," Porter said. The Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology recently awarded $90,000 for two years to support Yan's work in the cloning of this gene that is so beneficial to the dual purpose wheat in Oklahoma. (OCAST hands out money when you can show economic benefit to Oklahoma in general- and adding value to our wheat crop does just exactly that!)

The wheat genome contains 16 billion base pairs, the DNA building block: That is five times the size of the human genome and approximately 120 times the genome size of Arabidopsis, the first plant to have its entire genome sequenced and a baseline model used for studying plant biology. "Throw in the fact that wheat is a hexaploid species having three similar genomes and most people get lost in the science fairly quickly," said Mark Hodges, Oklahoma Wheat Commission executive director. "The bottom line is that what Dr. Yan does is not easy, and Oklahoma is very fortunate to have him working on improvement of the state's wheat crop."

Yan has achieved acclaim as he has worked to clone the third gene that accounts for vernalization in wheat. Since Yan's arrival in Oklahoma, he has taken his PNAS-published research one step further, by discovering key minute differences in the DNA of winter wheat varieties and their initiation of reproductive development. "What this means to our wheat breeding program, and to the Oklahoma wheat producer, is that we'll be able to tell with much greater confidence if a new variety can be grazed one to two weeks longer without sacrificing grain yield," Carver said. Just one more week of grazing could put an additional $3 per acre to $4 per acre in the producer's pocket. "Yan's our man," Carver said. "Yan's type of research fits Oklahoma's way of producing beef and wheat from one crop like a golf club fits Tiger Woods' hands."
Go Tiger, er I mean Go Yan!!!

The New Advertising Strategy for the Beef Industry- more with Kim Essex!
It's three legs of a stool to make it a solid to put your weight on. That's also the case in the new advertising focus for the beef industry in the coming year. Essex says it is important to keep your advertising message "fresh" so that you don't wear it out.

She says that they have come up with an equation of Passion PLUS Protein PLUS Strength Equals BEEF!!! She believes that this equation will help the beef checkoff reach today's consumers.

You can hear this edition of the Beef Buzz with Kim Essex on radio stations across the Radio Oklahoma Network- and we also have it linked for you below for you to take a listen to as well. We have one more Beef Buzz with Kim tomorrow to help tie together some of the plans of the checkoff to reach the consumer by knowing the consumer.

Click here for today's Beef Buzz with Ron and Kim Essex!

Wheatland Stocker Conference is Tomorrow in Enid
Just a quick reminder that the 2007 Wheatland Stocker Conference is tomorrow in downtown Enid. This all day cattle event will feature the national winner of the Beef Backgrounder of the Year from 2006 as honored by Beef Magazine, Tom Gallery of Bartlesville- as well as the cream of the crop from Kansas State and Oklahoma State.

We have a link on our website on the calendar page for more information- we have the calendar page link below for you- and you will notice the deadline has passed for registration- but Greg Highfill says don't worry about that- go ahead and call and let them know you are coming and head that direction tomorrow morning.

That number to call for Greg Highfill in the Area Office of OSU Extension in Enid is 580-237-7677.

Click here for the calendar page of our website- then scroll down to get details on the Wheatland Stocker Conference.

Today is Deadline for Early Registration for National Food Safety Conference Slated for Next Month in OKC.
Food industry professionals are reminded that today is the deadline for the early registration discount for the Food Industry Trends Conference to be held Sept. 13-14 in Oklahoma City. The Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center will host this new national food safety conference, to be held at the Embassey Suites in Oklahoma City. More than 100 food industry representatives are expected at the event, which will openly discuss new food safety issues and solutions, as well as food traceability technologies and regulatory issues driving those technologies. "FAPC research and development focuses on food safety and effective pathogen interventions from raw and cooked food products to minimize food safety risks," said Chuck Willoughby, FAPC business and marketing relations manager and conference chair. "We are pleased to offer a national conference that will encourage discussion and collaboration about food intervention strategies."

The two-day conference will feature three keynote sessions in which participants will hear from 13 national food industry leaders. Session topics include Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), changes in regulatory issues, the mediašs impact on food safety, epidemiological traceability, probiotics, raw and ready-to-eat meat and seafood processing, and leafy greens processing. David Acheson, Food and Drug Administration assistant commissioner for food protection, will discuss food safety regulatory issues. Yifen Wang, food safety expert for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, will discuss food traceability and identification technologies.Dr. Gary Smith of Colorado State will also adress the conference as well on risk assessment.

Interested parties are encouraged to register now. Participants may register by phone at 405-744-6489 or online. Registration for the conference is $350 if done by close of business today- August 21- and $500 after today. Registration includes all conference activities, program materials and lunch on Sept. 13.

Click here for the web site for this National Food Safety Conference to be held in OKC September 13-14.

Crop Weather Update Available from Monday Afternoon
The latest crop weather update does not reflect the heavy rains that fell in parts of the state- see story number one in this email to check the graphic of where the heaviest rain fell. The folks that compile the report rightly are guessing that the rains- while excessive in some areas, will help the spring planted crops where they fell and will help farmers, once the ground dries out enough, have adequate soil moisture to plant any early wheat they might want to plant to get a stand of wheat pasture this fall.

It does not show any corn being harvested as of yet- but we have one third of the crop now mature- so harvest will not be far behind.

We have the full report linked for you below- take a look!!!!

Click here for the latest Oklahoma Crop Weather Update as of August 20

Our thanks to Midwest Farm Shows and Farm Credit of East Central Oklahoma for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked at the top of the email- check them out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis!

We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.

Click here to check out WWW.OklahomaFarmReport.Com

God Bless! You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144

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