Agricultural News
Wheat Prices Hanging Around $5 for KC July as Harvest Nears
Fri, 30 Apr 2010 6:21:48 CDT
OSU Grain Marketing Economist Dr. Kim Anderson believes that while there are some disease problems popping up in parts of Texas and southern Oklahoma in the 2010 winter wheat crop- it's not widespread enough to have much impact on prices- especially since most of the southern plains wheat crop looks very good.
He is encouraged that wheat prices have held right around $5.00 a bushel- based on the Kansas City July wheat futures. That translates into $4 wheat at local elevators in much of Oklahoma's wheat belt.
In his comments with Clinton Griffiths for this weekend's SUNUP- Dr. Anderson repeated his mantra of selling some wheat at harvest- enough to get some cash in hand to help pay harvest related bills- then store the rest in hopes there could be some price moving news in the wheat producing areas in other parts of the world.
You can see Clinton and Kim on the Saturday OETA SUNUP program- but we have the early audio that you can hear right now by clicking on the Listen Bar below- which gives you a chance to respond to Kim's comments while the markets are open on Friday if you care to do so.
Before the regular look at the wheat marketplace- what else is on SUNUP this weekend. Host Clinton Griffiths tells us that the show is going to be a dandy- here's the lineup:
Wheat stripe rust is showing up in varieties that are normally very resistant. This has wheat geneticist Brett Carver and wheat pathologist Bob Hunger taking a closer look in Greer County.
In Shop Stop SUNUP talks about different ways to pull t-posts and if you've ever done it, you'll want to see this.
Glenn Selk discusses culling fall calving cows.
AGWEATHER breaks down national severe weather statistics and gives an explanation of why it has been a quite year thus far.
SUNUP takes a look at some research plots in western Oklahoma where fire is being used to control sagebrush and other woody plants.
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