Agricultural News
Grand Champion Steer Commands $38,000 at the 2010 Tulsa State Fair Premium Sale of Top Market Animals
Fri, 08 Oct 2010 13:51:05 CDT
The Premium Auction at the 2010 Tulsa State Fair saw the Grand Champion Market Steer $3000 more than a year ago, while the top barrow, market lamb and broiler pen received slightly lower bids than in 2009. The Grand Champion Meat Goat also went for more money compared to the prices paid at the 2009 Premium sale of the Tulsa State Fair.
The Grand Champion Market Steer- shown by Logan Davis of Newscastle FFA, had the gavel banged after bidders had pushed the 2010 Champion to $38,000. Long time supporter of the Tulsa Sale, L.C. Neel, paid $38,000 for the Steer and indicated in the show ring after the auction that he believed that he had bought the Grand Champion Steer 31 different times over the years. The first Tulsa State Fair Premium Auction was conducted back in 1973. The top steer a year ago was not purchased by Mr. Neel- and it brought $35,000.
The Reserve Grand Steer was shown by Tyler Batt of the Cordell FFA Chapter- and another long time Tulsa Fair supporter, Phyllis Raines, bought that bovine for $15,000.
The Grand Champion Market Hog did not bring as much money for his owner- as Carli Newby of Lindsay FFA, a Freshman in High School, saw a group of buyers pay $12,500 for her animal- compared to the $14,000 paid in 2009. The group buying Carli's pig included the Choctaw Nation, Oklahoma Pork Council, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Overhead Door and the Tulsa Ringmasters.
The Reserve Grand Barrow was shown by Taylor For of Elgin FFA- he won runner up honors with the top Crossbred- and he saw Ford Motor buy his barrow for $6500.
The Grand Champion Market Lamb was shown by veteran show ring winner Cooper Newcomb of Merritt FFA- the 2010 Grand Champion was purchased by the Bank of Western Oklahoma for a total of $12,000. The 2009 Grand Champion barrow sold for $13,000.
Reserve Grand Champion Lamb was Garrett Goodwin of the Tonkawa FFA- showing the Champion Suffolk Lamb. Ford also purchased the Reserve Lamb- the pricetag this time was $5500.
The Grand Champion Meat Goat saw more bidding than we saw one year ago- and Brandi Maddox of Hennessey FFA got a final bid on her goat, named Otis, of $9750. Phyllis Raines also purchased the top Meat Goat in the show.
Reserve Grand Meat Goat- shown by Mercedes Hardin, also of Hennessey FFA, got a bid of $5750 from one of the food vendors on the Tulsa Fairgrounds- Expo Serve.
Finally, the Grand Champion Broiler Pen of Chickens was shown by Kelsi Wills of Yukon FFA- and Kelsi saw the Murphy Brothers Amusement group buy her birds- a cool price of $7500. The reserve pen of Broilers was shown by Nathan Pitts of the Woods County 4-H.
We will have pictures and perhaps some video up on the website later this afternoon or early evening. The pictures from the Auction will be added to the Flickr picture set now in place- Click here to jump to our Flickr page and a chance to see all of these pictures
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