Agricultural News
Riley Pagett Ready to Plant Seeds of Hope and Inspiration in FFA Members as the New National FFA President
Sun, 24 Oct 2010 21:16:26 CDT
Riley Pagett views his role in life to be similar to that of a horticulturalist. A seed has incredible potential, however until planted and tended, a seed is just a seed. For the next year, the Woodward FFA Chapter member from Woodward, Okla., hopes to help cultivate the seeds within each of the more than 500,000 fellow FFA members as the 2010-2011 National FFA President. He was elected to that office today at the 83rd National FFA Convention in Indianapolis. He is among six individuals selected from a field of 36 to hold a national office. He is the son of L. Wade and Christi, and his FFA advisors are Nathan Torrance, Dallas Krout and Casey Hartwick. Click here for our conversation with Riley on Friday during the National Convention as he waited for the naming of the National Officer team on Saturday afternoon in Indianapolis.
Fulfilling his position will require traveling more than 100,000 miles; meeting top leaders in business, government and education; visiting approximately 40 states; and participating in an international experience tour to Japan. His responsibilities will include providing personal growth and leadership training for students, setting policies that shape the future of the organization and promoting agricultural literacy.
The national FFA officer selection process is intense and represents an assessment of years of academic and extracurricular accomplishments made by each student running for office. Nominees must first qualify on the state level to represent their particular state FFA associations. They then submit a thorough application, detailing their accomplishments and contributions to the community, along with an essay explaining their desire to be elected to national office. Once at the convention, candidates participate in five rounds of interviews, take an in-depth written test on the organization and agricultural education topics and complete two writing exercises.
A panel of nine state FFA officers comprises the nominating committee that proposes the slate of six officers for approval by the convention delegates.
Pagett attends Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Okla., with majors in agricultural communications and religious studies. While in high school, he was a member of National Honor Society, the Spanish National Honor Society and served as class president. In 2009, Pagett was elected the Oklahoma FFA Association's state vice president. He has also been involved actively in his college though the Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity, the Oklahoma State President's Leadership Council, and Collegiate FFA.
An an FFA member, Pagett participated in the prepared Public Speaking Career Development Event, attended Washington Leadership Conference, and had a diversified livestock operation, which included swine, beef and boer goats.
In discussing his mission to inspire, Pagett explains, "After enrolling in agricultural education courses, I realized that FFA was the perfect organization to assist me with my dream of becoming a 'seed planter.' I am prepared and look forward to the opportunity to plant seeds in FFA members."
Click on the LISTEN BAR below for a conversation that farm broadcast colleague Dave Russell had with Riley after the announcement was made on Saturday that he would head up the National Officer team for the next twelve months.
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