Agricultural News
Show-Me-Select Heifer Program Making Strides in Missouri
Tue, 06 Dec 2011 10:48:06 CST
A group of Missouri veterinarians, Extension specialists and industry leaders are working together to create a successful heifer program known as Show-Me-Select. Dave Patterson, University of Missouri Extension beef reproductive physiologist, says the program is basically established but it is looking to move to the next level.
Patterson says they are working to help producers understand what to do with the information and more importantly what to do with the cattle that is really going to help them add value and increase profitablity in their operation.
Patterson suggests that others can begin emulating a similiar program in their state but there has to be a strong interest from the producer level to really push the rest of the partners to participate. Patterson also adds that a program like this requires committment to maintain the required detailed records and tracking all of the information.
Click on the play button in the screen below to watch the rest from Dave Patterson on the Show-Me-Select heifer program in Missouri.
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