Agricultural News
2012 WheatWatch- Pictures Show Wheat Progress as Winter Approaches
Sat, 17 Dec 2011 21:44:23 CST
Expectations for the 2012 wheat crop was rather shaky as the crop was being planted in September and early October- but hopes have been raised with a series of timely rains that came in October and especially in November. 2012 Wheatwatch pictures show that the 2012 hard Red Winter Wheat Crop has made significant strides in eastablishing itself in advance of the winter season. We traveled out Highway 3 in Canadian County on Saturday midday- and shot two of the same wheat fields that we did on October 27, 2011. The picture just above this description is of a field just west of Cimarron Road (looking back to the east) north of Highway three- as photographed December 17, 2011. The same field and same general view is the first shot under the description below as shot on October 27, 2011.
Likewise, pictures 2 and 3 below is of a second wheat field we shot along Highway three in northeast Canadian County- picutre two below is from December 17- the picture just below it is from October 27, 2011.
You can see all of the pictures we have shot to date of the 2012 Winter Wheat crop by clicking here for our Flickr set for 2012 Wheatwatch.
2012 Wheatwatch is a service of the Oklahoma Wheat Commission, at work for Oklahoma Wheat Producers. Click here for their website to learn more about the efforts of the Oklahoma Wheat Commission on behalf of wheat producers in the state.
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