Agricultural News
Robert Hubbard Challenges Frank Lucas for 3rd District GOP Nomination
Mon, 27 Jan 2014 14:35:33 CST
On a day when Congressman Frank Lucas, chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, was completing work on the farm bill, Oklahoma rancher and small business owner Robert Hubbard announced that he would run for the GOP nomination for the 3rd Congressional District in Oklahoma. (Click on the LISTEN BAR below for Hubbard's full announcement.)
"We are at a time when our nation needs consistent, conservative leadership," said Hubbard. "And frankly, we are not getting that with our current Congressman."
Hubbard highlighted his conservative values and the need for Oklahoma to have members of Congress who reflect Oklahoma's conservative values. "We are the reddest congressional district in the reddest state in the country," said Hubbard. "Yet Congressman Lucas has one of the most liberal voting records in our state.
"It's time that we have a Congressman who votes his conservative values, every time," continued Hubbard. "And I promise I will do just that."
Hubbard is a long time resident of Canadian County where he owns and operates Hubbard Ranch. In addition he runs a construction company in the Oklahoma City metro area.
When asked what his priorities in Congress would be, Hubbard replied, "Our federal debt is out of control right now. With close to $18 trillion that our country owes, our leaders are doing little to nothing to curtail our spending. It's time we get a handle on how the government spends our hard-earned tax dollars."
Hubbard also mentioned his desire to end the influence of special interest groups and lobbyists on government spending. "When you look at Congressman's Lucas' top 20 donors and see that 19 of them are 'inside the beltway' interest groups, it's no wonder why he has no problem dishing out the pork barrel spending," said Hubbard.
"I promise you this," continued Hubbard. "If elected, I will ensure that my top priority will be to do what's best for the people of the 3rd District, and not the special interest groups in Washington."
"I am excited about the prospects of this campaign," said Hubbard. "We are going against the business-as-usual gang in Washington. That's why I ask the people in the 3rd District - from the eastern edge at Skiatook - to Boise City in the panhandle - to my friends in Altus - to join my campaign for Congress. Together I know we can make a difference and win the Republican nomination on June 24th."
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