Agricultural News
House Ag Chairman Frank Lucas Makes Rules Committee Stop on Way to Wednesday Farm Bill Vote
Mon, 27 Jan 2014 20:11:46 CST
The Agricultural Bill of 2014 reflects the fourth calendar year that Oklahoma Congressman Frank Lucas and Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow have worked in securing a farm bill- and the House Farm Bill Conference Committee has signed off on a Report back to both bodies of Congress. On Monday evening, House Ag Committee Chair Lucas told the House Rules Committee that "It is nothing short of a miracle" that the farm bill has gotten to this stage. (The picture here from this past June shows one of the low points of the process- as Chairman Lucas watched the full House reject the House Ag Committee's farm bill on the floor June 20, 2013)
One of the members of the House Ag Committee who was also named to the Conference Committee was Jim McGovern of Massachusetts is also a member of the House Rules Committtees. McGovern told Chairman Lucas that he will vote against the Conference Report, blasting Lucas for a lack of any conference committee votes in the process. He added that the fact of him being a Conference Committee member was a useless exercise.
Chairman Lucas responded to the comments of Congressman McGovern, saying he agreed with some of the points of Congressman McGovern. He stood his ground about the results of the negotiations- and spoke to the degree of difficulty in getting the dairy portion of the farm bill done by saying "If I should expire in the next 3 days, I want a glass of milk on my tombstone because it's what killed me."
During the Rules Committee session, Lucas had a dialogue with Oklahoma Congressman Tom Cole of Oklahoma about the measure- you can hear that conversation by clicking on the LISTEN BAR belwo.
To see the complete text that makes up the Conference Report (a total of 959 pages with another 186 pages that is the statements of the managers.)- click here.
The Rules Committee is considering a rule for the Farm Bill Conference Report that will allow the House to consider and vote on the Conference Report on Wednesday of this week.
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