Agricultural News
AFBF President Bob Stallman Urges Passage of Farm Bill Conference Report
Tue, 28 Jan 2014 06:29:38 CST
After details of the Farm Bill Conference Report became know, the President of the largest general farm organization, Bob Stallman, wrtoe a letter that has gone out to every member of Congress- uirging a yes vote to for the Agricultural Act of 2014. Stallman, as President of the American Farm Bureau says the package will help farmers base their production decisions on market signals and provides a safety net through Crop Insurance that is strengthened in the bill.
Here is the text of the letter sent to members of Congress from Stallman on Monday evening:
"The American Farm Bureau Federation commends the conferees for moving forward in a bipartisan fashion to complete work on H.R. 2642, the 2014 Farm Bill.
"Overall, Farm Bureau places a high priority on the decisions to:
"Provide considerable savings in the bill to reduce the federal government budget deficit;
"Protect and strengthen the federal crop insurance program and not reduce its funding;
"Develop a commodity title that provides producers safety net options that encourage them to follow market signals rather than basing planting decisions on anticipation of government payments; and
"Refrain from basing any program on cost of production.
"Farm Bureau urges you to vote to pass H.R. 2642. This will provide farmers and ranchers certainty for the coming year and allow USDA to plan for an orderly implementation of the bill's provisions."
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