Agricultural News
The Heavy Lifting Almost Done- Frank Lucas Calls Farm Bill Conference Report a Miracle
Tue, 28 Jan 2014 09:53:04 CST
We have a Farm Bill Conference Report- which means, we are two votes and one signature from having a Farm Law of 2014. The first of those votes will likely happen Wednesday morning on the floor of the US House.
The Agricultural Act of 2014 contains major reforms including eliminating the direct payment program, streamlining and consolidating numerous programs to improve their effectiveness and reduce duplication, and cutting down on program misuse. The bill also strengthens our nation's commitment to support farmers and ranchers affected by natural disasters or significant economic losses, and renews a national commitment to protect land, water, and other natural resources.
In a statement released Monday night by the House Ag Committee, the Chairman of the Farm Bill Conference and the Chairman of the House Ag Committee, Frank Lucas says "I am proud of our efforts to finish a farm bill conference report with significant savings and reforms. We are putting in place sound policy that is good for farmers, ranchers, consumers, and those who have hit difficult times. I appreciate the work of everyone who helped in this process. We never lost sight of the goal, we never wavered in our commitment to enacting a five-year, comprehensive farm bill. I ask my colleagues to join me in supporting its passage."
On Tuesday morning- Farm Director Ron Hays of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network talked with Chairman Lucas aboutt he process, who reiterated his comments made before the House Rules Committee on Monday night that the Farm Bill Conference Report is nothing short of a miracle, given the political atmosphere seen in Washington today.
Hays and Lucas talked about the difficulty of getting a dairy deal done, the fact that Lucas is satisfied with the Commodity Title, believes that the Nutrition title takes the country in the right direction on making sure those in need get food and those who are not do not, blames the Democrats in the Senate for no action on COOL and GIPSA and regrets the Commodity Title was not made Permanent Law- replacing the 1939-1949 acts.
Chairman Lucas also discussed the prospects for passage- and responded to a question about the fact that he will face a primary challenge this coming June for another two years in Congress.
You can hear the full conversation between Hays and Congressman Lucas by clicking on the LISTEN BAR below.
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