Agricultural News
Five Oklahoma Counties Added for Canola Crop Insurance
Tue, 08 Jul 2014 10:33:07 CDT
Canadian, Comanche, Cotton, Logan and Noble counties are the give new Oklahoma counties eligible for USDA Risk Management Agency winter canola crop insurance, according to the RMA.
Oklahoma counties already elgible are Alfalfa, Blaine, Caddo, Custer, Dewey, Garfield, Grant, Kingfisher, Major and Woods counties. Wichita and Moore Counties in Texas are now eligible for RMA canola crop insurance, the RMA stated.
This means that producers in these counties will be able to purchase crop insurance for winter canola with the time consuming and uncertain process of submitting a proposal for a written agreement.
Producers interested in buying a canola policy must do so by September 2, 2014. Oklahoma and Texas producers may choose the Revenue Protection Plan or the Yield Protection Plan in all counties where coverage is offered, the RMA stated. Producers may be eligible for federal crop insurance in non-covered counties through a written agreement. Written agreements must also be submitted by September 2, 2014.
Farmers choosing to plant winter canola in 2014 and who live in non-covered counties should contact their crop insurance representative and sign a written agreement and take the signed agreement to their local Farm Service Agency office. Then, they should make sure their crop insurance agent receives the signed agreement by July 31, 2014, to ensure coverage.
Producers are encouraged to visit with their crop insurance agent about eligibility for canola coverage. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and or by clicking here for a listing on the RMA website.
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