Agricultural News
Prepare a "Calving Kit" Before Fall Calving Begins
Tue, 12 Aug 2014 14:42:41 CDT
Glenn Selk, Oklahoma State University Emeritus Extension Animal Scientist, writes in the latest Cow-Calf Newsletter.
More and more Oklahoma producers are breeding cattle to calve in the fall. Some producers are planning to "calve out" more replacement heifers than normal to take advantage of high cattle prices. Before the hustle and bustle of the fall calving season, now is a good time to put together the supplies and equipment that will be needed to assist heifers and cows that need help at calving time.
Equipment: Before calving season starts, do a "walk-through" of pens, chutes, and calving stalls. Make sure that all are clean dry, strong, safe, and functioning correctly. This is a lot easier to do on a sunny afternoon than a dark night when you need them.
Protocol: Before calving season starts develop a plan of what to do, when to do it, who to call for help (along with phone numbers), and how to know when you need help. Make sure all family members or helpers are familiar with the plan. It may help to write it out and post copies in convenient places. Talk to your local veterinarian about your protocol and incorporate his/her suggestions. Encourage everyone that will be watching and helping cows and heifers this calving season to read Oklahoma State University Extension Circular E-1006, "Calving Time Management for Beef Cows and Heifers".
Lubrication: Many lubricants have been used and one of the best lubricants is probably the simplest: non detergent soap and warm water.
Supplies: The stockmen should always have in their medicine chest the following: disposable obstetrical sleeves, non- irritant antiseptic, lubricant, obstetrical chains (60 inch and/or two 30 inch chains), two obstetrical handles, mechanical calf pullers and injectable antibiotics. Don't forget the simple things like a good flashlight and extra batteries and some old towels or a roll of paper towels.
It may be helpful for you to have all these things and other items you may want to include packed into a 5 gallon bucket to make up a "calving kit" so you can grab everything at once. Place that bucket in a location that can be found and reached by everyone in the operation.
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