Agricultural News
Oklahoma Cattlemen Tell Secretary Vilsack- Do NOT Go Forward with Additional Beef Checkoff
Wed, 10 Dec 2014 17:01:47 CST
The Oklahoma Cattllemen's Association has submitted comments to US Secretary Tom Vilsack regarding a possible second, separate Beef Checkoff that would be established based on the authority that the Secretary claims he has under a 1996 law. OCA, in a one page letter to Vilsack, told him that "OCA is strongly opposed to the proposal for a new Order under the Commodity Promotion, Research and Information Act of 1996.
The letter, signed by the Executive Vice President of the OCA, Michael Kelsey, states there are specific attribuutes of the 1996 law that OCA believes would be bad for the cattle producer members they represent. "For instance, the 1996 Act fails to assure a coordinated state/national partnership concept. Additionally, it is too open ended and subject to government, not producer, direction."
The conclusion drawn by OCA is for the Secretary "not issue a proposed rule for an additional beef checkoff program under the 1996 Act."
Click on the PDF file link below to read the full letter submitted to the federal government ahead of the deadline for comments on the possible rule making that could lead to a new Beef Checkoff in the latter part of 2015.
Beef Checkoff - Dec 2014.pdf
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