Agricultural News
Unlocking the Potential on Your Farm- Registration Now Open for 2015 No Till on the Plains Conference
Fri, 12 Dec 2014 02:27:31 CST
No-till farmers won't want to miss the 2015 No-till on the Plains Winter Conference, featuring the theme "Unlocking the Potential on Your Farm," Jan. 27-28 at the Bicentennial Center in Salina, Kansas.
"This year's conference has something for everyone who wants to learn more about no-till production practices" said Ryan Speer, president of No-till on the Plains and a farmer from Halstead, Kansas. "The conference program will help producers understand basic concepts and principles of moving to a no-till system, plus help those long-term no-tillers who are seeking to optimize their management to reach it's highest potential for production, soil health and profit."
Featured speaker Dr. Fred Provenza will deliver the keynote address "Unlocking the Potential of Your Mind-Creating Our Way Into the Future. Dr. Provenza will discuss how the changing landscapes and environments that producers and humans continually must adapt to, provides the opportunity to tap into the power of the human imagination and creativity of the mind. Dr. Provenza is professor emeritus of Animal Behavioral Ecology and Management in the Department of Wildland Resources and Ecology Center at Utah State University. He is a pioneer in the study of how behavior links soils, plants, herbivores, and humans and their collective effects on the health of landscapes.
Our other featured speaker is Joshua Dukart, certified educator of holistic management from Bismark, North Dakota. Joshua's talk will address the current misconception of sustainability and the need to think of regeneration of the landscape on farms and ranches. Joshua's career started as an Agricultural & Bio-systems engineer, but has evolved into a professional role of educator, facilitator, and mentor. He now works with land managers, families, and organizations in assisting them with achieving a sustainable balance of people, finances, and resources.
Admittance to the Winter Conference also gains you access to the industry's best Trade Show, featuring more than 80 exhibitors who can help you find solutions to your own farm operation. From management, to equipment, to seeds and crop protection products, there are a host of opportunities for you to learn about the latest solutions for a no-till system. Join us early for the "Industry Morning Marketplace," a chance for you to get the latest information from our conference sponsors and exhibitors. The Industry Morning Marketplace takes place from 9 -11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 29.
Other topics at the annual event include:
· Soil Biological Fertility and Soil Microbes
· Cover Crops Increasing Nutrients, Decreasing Inputs
· Success with Companion Crops
· Extending Cropping Days with Relay Crops
· Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Agriculture
· Grazing Livestock in Continuous No-till Systems
· Managing Carbon for the Soil and the Atmosphere
· Climate, Crops, Cattle and Covers, Adjusting to a New Volatility
· No-till Equipment Basics
Registration costs for the Winter Conference is $175 before Jan. 10; $225 thereafter. Spouses can attend for an additional $90.
You can register online at the No Till on the Plains website- click here to jump there. You can also register by calling 785-210-4525.
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