Agricultural News
USCA and NFU Respond to Spending Bill Riders
Fri, 12 Dec 2014 12:02:14 CST
The United States Cattlemen's Association (USCA) responded to last night's House passage of the "Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015." Released late on the evening of December 9, the spending bill and its corresponding report include several riders of concern to USCA. The House passed bill will now be considered by the Senate; USCA will continue to address multiple items of concern within the bill ahead of the Senate vote.
In a joint letter to House and Senate Appropriations Committee leadership, USCA and the National Farmers Union (NFU) urged opposition to the riders included in the bill concerning COOL (country of origin labeling), continued restriction to GIPSA (Grain Inspection Packers and Stockyards Administration) reform, ongoing ban of horse processing, and one which directs the Secretary of Agriculture to halt any action in the development of a new beef checkoff.
USCA President Danni Beer, Keldron, SD, commented on the provisions, "USCA is adamantly opposed to all four of these riders. What is supposed to be a general funding bill for the government, used to preclude a shutdown, has become a vehicle for issues that will impact producers across the U.S."
"Language which would impede needed reform of the beef checkoff is particularly troubling," stated Beer. "In November, USDA issued a call for public comments concerning the development of a new beef checkoff. This rider discounts the comments submitted this week by both USCA and cattle producers regarding this important program."
"USCA will continue to monitor the ongoing discussions and pending vote of this bill in the Senate. I urge all producers to contact their respective Senators today and to voice their opposition to the inclusion of the COOL, GIPSA, banning horse processing and checkoff riders."
To view the letters sent by USCA and NFU, click here.
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