Agricultural News
Oklahoma Cattlemen Concerned Over Historic Trails Designation for Chisholm and Great Western
Wed, 04 Mar 2015 03:59:22 CST
The National Park Service (NPS) has issued a feasibility study proposing to designate the Chisholm and Great Western Cattle Drive Trails as National Trails. According to Michael Kelsey, Executive Vice President of the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association, "after reviewing the 160+ page study, OCA is concerned what effect this designation would have on property owners who have land along the trail."
Because of those concerns, the OCA has provided comments to the National Park Service opposing the desgination. Kelsey says there are two key reasons why.
"First, land owners, were not sufficiently notified. We, nor any other agriculture commodity organization representing land owners received any notification of this study.
"Second, most egregious, the study proposes to designate the Trails as National Historic Trails and then complete comprehensive management plans and further environmental compliance documents. This should be done BEFORE the trails are designated in our opinion."
OCA has provided comments in OPPOSITION to the designation. The comment period for the proposed designation closes March 6th. Click on the PDF file at the bottom of this story to read the complete comments made by the OCA.
You can make your comments by clicking here. Comment deadline is this Friday, March 6, 2015.
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