Agricultural News
Superior Select Replacement Female Auction- March 27, 2015
Sun, 29 Mar 2015 06:51:10 CDT
Superior Livestock Market Report-Superior Select Replacement Female Auction
Fort Worth, TX
March 27, 2015
Fort Worth, TX: Cattle producers from 11 states consigned 2,449 replacement heifers, pairs, bred cows and bred heifers to the Superior Livestock satellite video auction. The auction was held and broadcast from the Historic Fort Worth Stockyards in Fort Worth, TX.
Replacement heifers and Bred heifers brought $200-$300 less than our last sale while Pairs held steady.
Replacement Heifers:
Howland Living Trust, Ellis, KS, 850lbs, Sup Prog Genetics, Out of SimAngus cross cows by Cow Camp Ranch & Bar S Ranch reg SimAngus bulls sired Replacement hfrs, $1950, March-April del.
Johnson Rogers Cattle Co., Inc., Buffalo, WY, 690lbs, VAC 45+, Out of Red Angus Gelbvieh cross cows by Beckton & Tongue River Red Angus bulls sired Replacement hfrs, $1600, April del.
Riddle Ranch, Inc. & Larry & Dan Otley, Princeton, OR, 770lbs, Out of Blk Angus, Blk Angus cross by Leachman bloodlines Blk Angus bulls sired Replacement hfrs, $1750, April del.
1st Calf Heifer Pairs:
Milliron Triangle Cattle Co., Miles City, MT, 1075lbs, Sup Prog Genetics, Calves by reg Schaff Black Angus bulls sired 1st Calf hfr prs, $3325, May del.
Ken Schaffer, Hoxie, KS, 1100lbs, Angus sired 1st Calf hfr prs, $3375, March-April del.
Roundtree Cattle LLC, Parks, NE, 1200lbs, 100% Black Angus w/F1 cross clvs, $3450, May del.
Jared Hammersmith, Gorham, KS, 1250lbs, BVD PI Free, Red Angus 1st Calf hfr prs, $3625, March-April del.
Bred Cows:
Shamburg Cattle, Manhattan, KS, 1100lbs, Angus & Angus cross Bred cows, $2910, March-April del.
Bred Heifers:
Menzies Cattle Co., Elkland, MO, 950lbs, Sup Prog Genetics, ½ Dairy, ½ Angus cross AI bred to Genex Purebred Gelb, $2075, April del.
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