Agricultural News
In Case You Missed It- In the Field with LeeAnna McNally of Oklahoma Farm Bureau
Mon, 17 Aug 2015 05:25:21 CDT
In case you missed it- Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays had as his guest on this past Saturday's In the Field LeeAnna McNally of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau. McNally is the Director of National Affairs in the Public Policy Division of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau- and is part of the staff team that is traveling the state this month for the general farm organization as they engage with the grass roots of Farm Bureau in their August Area Meetings.
McNally explains to Hays how the grassroots policy development process works within Farm Bureau- and provides an update of several of the issues that are being discussed by the staff in their report to the membership- and what is on the minds of Farm Bureau members as they come to these meetings.
Click on the play button in the VIDEO box below to see the conversation between Hays and McNally. You can also click here for our report we published on Friday with the audio conversation that Ron and LeeAnna had about the grass roots process and what the key topics are- both state and national. - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |
Click here for our calendar page for details about the August Area meetings of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau.
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