Agricultural News
Final Oklahoma Wheat Crop Number Hits 98.8 Million Bushels- More Than Double the 2014 Crop
Thu, 01 Oct 2015 09:01:02 CDT
USDA reports that the final Oklahoma wheat crop number for 2015 is a little larger than predicted back in July- while Uncle Sam trimmed the Kansas and Texas numbers.
In the Small Grain Summary released by USDA on Wednesday morning- the government now reports that Oklahoma wheat producers rolled their combines across 3.8 million acres- had an average yield of 26 bushels per acre and harvested 98.8 million bushels- more than double the size of the 2014 harvest that was just 47.6 million bushels and was the lowest production total since the late 1950s. The Oklahoma yield is nine bushels an acre higher than the 17 bushels an acre of last year- but is lower than the 31 bushels an acre from the 2013 crop year. The 2015 Oklahoma wheat crop was predicted to be 96.2 million bushels in the July USDA Crop Production Report.
Oklahoma's 2015 crop- just under one hundred million bushels- is almost five percent less than the 2013 production of 105.4 million bushels.
The Kansas crop is now predicted to be 321.9 million bushels- trimmed back from the 334.4 million bushels estimated in July- and is well above the 246.4 million bushels of 2014. It is virtually the same size as the 2013 Kansas crop.
Texas turns out to be the second largest winter wheat crop state this year- with 106.5 million bushels produced- well above the 67 to 68 million bushels raised in both 2013 and 2014.
The complete small grains summary released by USDA- including all these wheat crop numbers- is available here.
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