Agricultural News
The Art of Analytics Helping to Keep Beef Industry Relevant for Today's Consumer
Tue, 16 Aug 2016 14:25:06 CDT
As the beef industry transitions from traditional media promotion to building its presence online, there is a greater understanding being learned about how to most effectively reach today's consumer. Meredith Stevens of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association is at the forefront of this endeavor by the Beef Checkoff to study and engage its target audience. Stevens spoke to Radio Oklahoma Network's Farm Director Ron Hays about her findings.
"Search advertising is one of the most cost effective ways for the Checkoff to reach consumers," Stevens said. "Search advertising actually contributes to 84 percent of BeefItsWhatsforDinner.com page views."
To ensure that the industry's message continues to reach the right consumers as they utilize online search engines, like Google, at the right times, Stevens says the Checkoff is working to help keep BeefItsWhatsforDinner.com rising to the top of search results.
"We've got to make sure that when consumers are looking for information," Stevens said, "beef content is there."
Stevens also points out that one of the keys to success in keeping beef's digital presence strong, is understanding the importance of engagement. She says that with all the interaction available through social media, it is her job to make sure those avenues and opportunities to further engage consumers are being utilized, which in turn helps to spread beef's message beyond the original person of contact. Stevens went on to say that if there is no engagement happening with the content being published, then she can identify weak links in her strategies. She explains that this takes constant analyzation and optimization of content.
"We've got to measure that," Stevens said. "If we push out content and we put that out there on social media and nobody's engaging with it- we know we're missing a mark there."
Stevens asserts that if you are not learning about your audience and crafting content to appeal to them, then you will eventually become less and less effective, and therefore, less and less relevant. To gain further understanding of its audience, the Checkoff conducted a content search analysis a couple years ago and found, for example, that people were looking for slow cooker recipes. Stevens and her team are now shifting their strategy to offer video demonstrations on easy beef recipes. She says their goal is to keep beef always top of mind for consumers, in ways that fit into their lives.
Listen to Meredith Stevens and Radio Oklahoma Network's Ron Hays talk more on how the beef industry is studying its consumer base and what they have learned so far on today's Beef Buzz.
The Beef Buzz is a regular feature heard on radio stations around the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network and is a regular audio feature found on this website as well. Click on the LISTEN BAR below for today's show and check out our archives for older Beef Buzz shows covering the gamut of the beef cattle industry today.
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