Agricultural News
Oklahoma Wine Wins Double Gold Award at Indy International
Wed, 17 Aug 2016 06:59:05 CDT
Canadian River Vineyard and Winery, located in Lexington, Oklahoma, won a double gold award at the 2016 Indy International Wine Competition.
Nearly 3,000 wines from around the world were entered in the competition held Aug. 3-4 at the Purdue Memorial Union in West Lafayette, Indiana. Canadian River's Chocolate Drop Dessert Wine emerged victorious.
"Chocolate Drop Wine is made from Merlot and is a cherry-chocolate dessert in a glass," said Gene Clifton, owner of Canadian River Vineyards and Winery. "Our Riesling, which is made entirely of Oklahoma-grown grapes, was awarded a bronze metal."
Now in its 25th year, the competition is the largest independent wine contest in the United States with participants ranging from small, private winemakers to large, commercial wineries.
Richard Vine, professor emeritus of food science at Purdue, started the event in 1991. As a wine consultant for American Airlines, Vine created the competition in part as a way to find new wines to be served on first- and business-class flights, said Christian Butzke, Purdue professor of enology and chief judge of the competition.
"Dick helped the competition evolve into the prestigious event it is today," Butzke said. "The first year, there were 454 entrants. Today, we have close to 3,000."
Clifton said he is proud to see Oklahoma wines competitive on an international level.
"We have won metals in every wine competition we have entered this year," Clifton said. "Our vineyards are now 16 years old, and they are consistently making good-quality grapes, which are made into award-winning wines."
For the past six years, Oklahoma State University's Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center, a part of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, has undertaken an Oklahoma wine-quality project aimed at sensory and chemical testing of Oklahoma wines. Under the direction of William McGlynn, FAPC horticultural products processing specialist, continuing work and education has helped reduce some of the vineyard and wine problems.
"We only wish all Oklahoma vineyards and wineries would take advantage of the analytical services and educational opportunities available at FAPC, OSU and Redlands Community College to improve Oklahoma grape and wine quality," Clifton said. "At Canadian River Vineyards and Winery, we are proud to make award-winning wines from Oklahoma-grown grapes."
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