Agricultural News
Show Swine Will Require New Electronic ID in Oklahoma Effective This December
Wed, 24 Aug 2016 17:11:33 CDT
Effective December 1, 2016, changes to the way show swine are identified will be made. A USDA ruling states that official identification must mark an animal when an official test has been performed on it. In the past, ear notching was an acceptable form of identification. However, with stricter requirements due to the Animal Disease Traceability rule, show pigs in Oklahoma must be identified with an electronic ear tag at the time of testing, or time of showing if it is from a Validated/Qualified Herd shown by a family member.
This will not affect pigs to be shown at the Tulsa State Fair this fall. The new ID tags will be required though when testing begins for winter jackpots, spring county shows and the Oklahoma Youth Expo. Those pigs will require an electronic ID tag with numbers beginning with 840. Test charts must have the 15 digit 840 number as well as the ear notches listed for ID.
Exhibitors nominating pigs for OYE 2017 and Tulsa State Fair 2017 will be supplied with tags that will meet this ID requirement. For pigs not being nominated, they can be tagged with official tags that the owner purchases, that the veterinarian has in stock and uses, or in some cases that the ag program purchases. It is very important to provide current address information for exhibitors as Premises ID Numbers will be assigned, or a PIN may be put on the test chart.
Please properly restrain the pigs when tagging them and get the tag in the proper position in the ear.
Remember, the point of properly identifying livestock is to be able to trace them in case of a disease outbreak or other necessary reason.
For more information about ordering electronic ear tags, click here.
Source - State Veterinarian's Office, Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture, Food & Forestry
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