Agricultural News
Farmers for Free Trade Statement on U.S. ITC Report on USMCA
Fri, 19 Apr 2019 05:34:05 CDT
Brian Kuehl, Co-Executive Director of Farmers for Free Trade, the bipartisan coalition supported by American ag commodity groups, today released the following statement in reaction to the U.S. International Trade Commission's (USITC) report on the economic benefits of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
"The true benefit that USMCA delivers for American farmers is certainty and stability.
Especially right now, American farmers need a victory. USMCA will guarantee that their most important export markets remain open for business and free from red tape.
"While the ITC report is an important step in the process of considering trade agreements, the benefits of North American trade are already well understood, particularly by farmers and ranchers. Under NAFTA, ag exports to Canada and Mexico, grew from $8 billion in 1993 to $40 billion last year.
"Over the course of the last week we have traveled across the Midwest talking to farmers, ranchers and businesses about USMCA. They are looking to Congress to deliver a trade victory for them that will safeguard North American access and send a signal to the world that we are ready to negotiate similar agreements that open markets to Made-in-America farm products."
For more on Farmers for Free Trade's whistle stop tour in support of USMCA visit: https://farmersforfreetrade.com/motorcade-for-trade/
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