Agricultural News
Corteva Agriscience Launches LANDVisor State-of-the-Art Digital Technology for Ranchers and Land Managers
Fri, 22 Nov 2019 11:36:35 CST
LANDVisor Provides Comprehensive View of Vegetation and Potential Forage Productivity to Improve Returns
Today, Corteva Agriscience announced the launch of LANDVisor™, a new integrated technology solution that allows ranchers and land managers to implement a customized solution for accomplishing their land management goals.
LANDVisor combines sophisticated imagery and data analytics with expert management advice to increase land productivity. The technology provides detailed information on forage productivity and vegetation including the density of desirable and undesirable plant species, identifying where and when herbicide treatments will be most beneficial.
"Land managers and ranchers care about all their resources, and they manage all of them for both environmental and economic sustainability," said Damon Palmer, Pasture and Land Management Business Leader at Corteva Agriscience. "LANDVisor gives them confidence that they are making optimum decisions. Providing customers with the latest integrated technology to sustainably manage their resources and maximize productivity is key to fulfilling our commitment to ensure progress."
LANDVisor allows producers to manage land for optimal productivity and environmental outcomes. Through key insights, this tool helps land managers make more informed, actionable decisions on the potential of their land, resulting in maximum return on investment. Left unchecked, low-value undesirable vegetation reduces forage production and profit potential for livestock grazers while also degrading wildlife habitat.
Not only does LANDVisor give producers the ability to target their investment where it will provide the greatest production and environmental benefits, but it also extends the expert relationships with consultants and Corteva Range & Pasture specialists through progress tracking.
Earlier this year, rancher K.C. Windham participated in a test of LANDVisor in a mesquite control project on his ranch near Clyde, Texas. "With this program, you don't have to guess," he said. "It gives you the tools to make better decisions, looking at soils, where the plants are and what improvement you can make. LANDVisor is a game changer."
In early 2020, LANDVisor will be available to ranchers and land managers in the Southwest to manage highly invasive honey mesquite. As a significant consumer of water, honey mesquite outcompetes native grasses and desirable woody plants, reducing both forage production for cattle and plant diversity for wildlife.
Corteva plans to expand LANDVisor in the United States and around the world for use in the range and pasture business but also in other industries. For more information on LANDVisor, visit LandVisor.Corteva.com. A video of LANDVisor in action is available here.
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