Agricultural News
OSU's Flagship Field Day to be Held May 13
Tue, 26 Apr 2022 14:06:32 CDT
By Alisa Boswell-Gore
Oklahoma State University's flagship field day is quickly approaching with an opportunity to gain valuable wheat knowledge and earn continuing education credits.
The Lahoma Field Day will be held 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on May 13 at the Oklahoma State University North Central Research Station one mile west of Lahoma on State Highway 60.
"It's a great opportunity for producers interested in learning more about wheat varieties available and management practices that could help improve wheat yield and quality," said Amanda Silva, Oklahoma State University assistant professor and small grains Extension specialist.
The Lahoma Field Day appeals to producers across the state with information on OSU's wheat variety trials, which involve more than 50 varieties commercially available to producers. The trials compare varieties under standard and intensive management practices.
"It's a good way for producers to see how different wheat varieties look in person out in the field with their ability to withstand high disease pressure and drought. This can help producers decide on what varieties to plant," Silva said.
Producers will receive information on upcoming varieties from the OSU wheat breeding program and a broad range of genetics in their region, as well as learn about disease, insect, weed and nutrient management and how different varieties perform under drought conditions. Other topics will include wheat varieties, breeding and fertility. Continuing education units will be available at this event, and lunch is included.
The event will feature the following speakers:
• Amanda Silva, OSU assistant professor and Extension specialist for small grains, will cover wheat varieties.
• Brett Carver, OSU regents professor, will talk about the wheat breeding program.
• Brian Arnall, OSU professor and Extension specialist for precision nutrient management, will cover nutrient management.
• Misha Manuchehri, OSU assistant professor and Extension specialist for small grains and canola weed science, will talk about weed management.
• Tom Royer, OSU professor and integrated pest management coordinator, will cover pest management.
• Kim Anderson, OSU professor and Extension economist, will talk about wheat marketing.
• Phillip Alderman, OSU associate professor in plant and soil sciences, will highlight agricultural systems modeling.
• Meriem Aoun, a new OSU assistant professor and small grains pathologist recently introduced on SUNUP TV, will give an update on wheat diseases.
Participants are encouraged to register online. For more information, contact the Garfield County Extension Center at 580-237-7677 or Josh Bushong at josh.bushong@okstate.edu.
OSU Agriculture Field Days are educational events presented by OSU Ag Research and Extension to share research-based information and resources with Oklahomans. Field days showcase current agricultural research and relevant best practices through presentations, tours, hands-on workshops and discussion at little or no cost.
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