Elevating Pork – A Tasty, Nutritious Protein for Everyday Menus

Elevating Pork - A Tasty, Nutritious Protein for Everyday Menus

With food inflation, hunger and nutrition insecurity at all-time highs, low-income families are challenged to keep nutritious meals on home menus while staying within their budgets.

In August of 2021, the USDA announced a 21% increase in benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The extra benefits are based on USDA’s review of the Thrifty Food Plan, which estimates the cost of a healthy diet to feed a family of four.

This means more families will have better access to foods that satisfy their nutritional needs. NPB is working to ensure protein-packed pork is at the top of their grocery lists.

Pork has a huge role to play as a high-quality, affordable and nutrient-dense protein that satisfies many taste and cultural preferences.

NPB has assembled experts with roles in academia, government-adjacent organizations, and non-profits in the food policy sector to update dietitians and others in health professions on what this increase in benefits means for their patients and clients in a September webinar.

"Pork is a high-quality, affordable, and nutrient-dense protein that satisfies many taste and cultural preferences." says Kara Behlke-Ungerman, NPB Director of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Pork producers are invited to register and tune in as these experts share insights generated from menu modeling research funded by Pork Checkoff dollars. They'll talk about what it takes to put an optimized, affordable and nutrient-dense eating plan into practice.

Webinar: Insights from Food Modeling Research – Putting the Thrifty Food Plan into Practice

When: Sept. 22 at 11 a.m. CT

To register, Click Here.


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