US Producers Report Lower Yields for Corn and Soybeans

US Producers Report Lower Yields for Corn and Soybeans

Allendale, Inc. a Chicago area agricultural commodity brokerage and analysis firm projected the US corn crop at 14.108 billion bushels and a soybean crop of 4.435 billion bushels.

The 33rd annual Nationwide Producer Yield Survey was conducted from August 15 – 28. The surveys were conducted direct by our brokers as well as via our website and social media platforms.

These estimates were based on producer calculated yields in 26 states. Ample surveys gave us the numbers needed to project yields in 12 states. This covers 86% of corn production and 83% of soybean production. For this survey, the smaller states were assumed using USDA’s August 12 estimates. Harvested acres were assumed using USDA’s August 12 estimates.

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Allendale 2022 Yield Survey Results from John Georgy on Vimeo.

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US Producers Report Lower Yields for Corn and Soybeans


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