AFBF Supports Advancement of Doug McKalip for Chief Agricultural Negotiator

Thu, 08 Sep 2022 07:59:58 CDT

AFBF Supports Advancement of Doug McKalip for Chief Agricultural Negotiator

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall commented today on the Senate Finance Committee vote to advance the nomination of Doug McKalip for chief agricultural negotiator at the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

“The American Farm Bureau Federation is pleased to see the nomination of Doug McKalip for chief agriculture negotiator move forward to the full Senate. Doug is a government professional with experience in agricultural issues, and today’s unanimous vote further proves that Doug is well suited to represent farmers’ interests on the international stage.

“The vote comes at an important time as current and future trading partners are looking to the United States to meet a growing demand for food, fuel and fiber. AFBF is eager to work with Mr. McKalip and Ambassador Tai to strengthen current agreements and create new opportunities for America’s farmers and ranchers. We urge the full Senate to quickly confirm Doug McKalip.”


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