OSU’s Kim Anderson Says No Surprises in Latest WASDE Report

Listen to Kim Anderson talk about the latest in the crop markets on OSU’s SUNUP.

This week on SUNUP is Oklahoma State University Extension grain market economist Kim Anderson. During this week’s edition, Anderson talks about the latest in the crop markets.

Anderson said the markets continue to go up, except for soybeans and cotton. Wheat is 80 cents above average, Anderson added.

“If you look at wheat, they are up to $6.66 for harvest-delivered wheat at Pond Creek,” Anderson said.

Corn is up to $4.75, Anderson said, and the harvest average price is $4.80.

Regarding the May WASDE report that was released last week, Anderson said there were not any surprises from the pre-release estimates.

“The number to look at is the stocks-to-use ratio,” Anderson said. “Wheat for the U.S. is 41 percent average, and 40 percent projected.”

With wheat prices above average, Anderson recommends producers stagger their wheat in the market from June through August.

This week on SUNUP: 

  • Wes Lee, OSU Extension Mesonet agricultural coordinator, discusses how the recent rains impacted soil moisture levels. State climatologist Gary McManus shows viewers how much rain fell the past month. 
  • Dave Lalman, OSU Extension beef cattle specialist, has information on OSU research that can assist with determining exactly how much a beef cow will eat. 
  • Kim Anderson, OSU Extension grain marketing specialist, says wheat producers should strongly consider staggering their wheat in the market when selling. 

Oklahoma Agriculture Starts at SUNUP!

Weekly Statewide Broadcast: Saturday at 7:30 a.m. & Sunday at 6 a.m. on OETA (PBS)
Anytime: YouTube.com/SUNUPtv

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