Oklahoma Winter Wheat Rates 51 Percent Good to Excellent as Southwest Oklahoma Starts Harvest

US . Crop Progress:

Winter wheat was 69 percent headed, which was 11 points ahead of 58 percent at this time last year and 12 points ahead of the five-year average of 57 percent. 49 percent of the crop was rated in good-to-excellent condition, down 1 from the previous week but still up considerably from 31 percent a year ago. The percentage rated very poor to poor held steady at 18 percent.

Corn planting jumped 21 percentage points last week to reach 70 percent complete nationwide as of Sunday, May 19. That puts current planting progress at 6 percentage points behind last year’s 76 percent and just 1 point behind the five-year average of 71 percent. 40 percent of corn had emerged as of Sunday, 6 points behind last year but 1 point ahead of the five-year average of 39 percent.

Soybean planting moved ahead 17 percentage points last week to reach 52 percent complete nationwide as of Sunday. That was 9 percentage points behind last year’s pace of 61 percent but 3 percentage points ahead of the five-year average of 49 percent. 26 percent of soybeans had emerged as of Sunday, 5 points behind last year’s 31 percent but 5 points ahead of the five-year average of 21 percent.

Oklahoma Crop Progress:

Winter wheat conditions rated 51 percent good to excellent, 35 percent fair and 14 percent poor to very poor. Last week’s conditions rated 53 percent good to excellent, 35 percent fair and 12 percent poor to very poor. This time last year, conditions rated 10 percent good to excellent, 38 percent fair and 52 percent poor to very poor.

Corn planted reached 81 percent, up 7 points from the previous week and up 19 points from normal. Corn emerged reached 61 percent, up 12 points from the previous week and up 16 points from normal. Corn conditions rated 84 percent good to excellent, 14 percent fair and 2 percent poor to very poor.

Sorghum planted reached 32 percent, up 10 points from the previous week and up 15 points from normal.

Soybeans planted reached 24 percent, up 9 points from the previous week but down 6 points from normal.

Peanuts planted reached 30 percent, up 17 points from the previous week and up 8 points from normal.

Cotton planted reached 20 percent, up 8 points from the previous week and up 2 points from normal.

Livestock conditions rated 74 percent good to excellent, 22 percent fair and 4 percent poor to very poor. Last week’s conditions rated 71 percent good to excellent, 24 percent fair, and 5 percent poor to very poor. 

Pasture and range conditions rated 57 percent good to excellent, 36 percent fair and 7 percent poor to very poor. Last week’s conditions rated 53 percent good to excellent, 36 percent fair and 11 percent poor to very poor. This time last year, pasture and range conditions rated 33 percent good to excellent and 49 percent poor to very poor.

Kansas Crop Progress:

Winter wheat condition rated 11% very poor, 20% poor, 36% fair, 30%
good, and 3% excellent. Winter wheat headed was 90%, well ahead of 68% for both last year and
the five-year average. Coloring was 24%.

Corn condition rated 2% very poor, 11% poor, 29% fair, 53% good, and 5% excellent. Corn
planted was 74%, ahead of 68% last year and 69% average. Emerged was 53%, near 49% last
year, and ahead of 44% average.

Soybeans planted was 43%, behind 51% last year, but near 39% average. Emerged was 23%,
near 27% last year, but ahead of 18% average.

Sorghum planted was 13%, near 11% last year, and ahead of 8% average.

Cotton planted was 38%, near 39% last year and 37% average.

Sunflowers planted was 6%, near 2% last year and 8% average.

Pasture and Range Report: Pasture and range conditions rated 7% very poor, 15% poor, 36%
fair, 36% good, and 6% excellent.

Texas Crop Progress:

Winter wheat headed reached 96 percent, up 6 percentage points from the previous year and up 3 points from the five-year average. Harvested reached 10 percent, up 6 points from the previous year and up 1 point from the average. Winter wheat conditions rated 39 percent good to excellent, 39 percent fair and 22 percent poor to very poor. Last week’s conditions rated 42 percent good to excellent, 35 percent fair and 23 percent poor to very poor. This time last year, conditions rated 23 percent good to excellent, 32 percent fair and 45 percent poor to very poor.

Corn planted reached 85 percent, down 1 percentage point from the previous year and down 5 points from the five-year average. Corn emerged reached 74 percent, down 2 points from the previous year and down 4 points from the average. Corn silked reached 31 percent, up 4 points from the previous year and up 11 points from the average.Corn conditions rated 59 percent good to excellent, 30 percent fair, and 11 percent poor to very poor. Last week’s conditions rated 66 percent good to excellent, 26 percent fair and 8 percent poor to very poor.

Cotton planted reached 37 percent, up 3 percentage points from the previous year and down 2 points from the five-year average.

Peanuts planted reached 46 percent, up 18 percentage points from the previous year and up 14 points from the five-year average.

Sorghum planted reached 78 percent, even with the previous year and the five-year average. Sorghum headed reached 29 percent, up 5 points from the previous year and up 6 from the average.

Soybeans planted reached 49 percent, down 5 percentage points from the previous year and down 14 from the five-year average. Soybeans emerged reached 28 percent, down 4 percentage points from the previous year and down 13 from the average.

Range and pasture conditions rated 33 percent good to excellent, 29 percent fair and 38 percent poor to very poor.  

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