Trust In Beef Sustainable Ranches Tour Coming up at Burtrum Ranches, LLC in Stillwater

Listen to Clay Burtrum talk about the upcoming Trust In Beef Sustainable Ranchers Tour.

Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays, is featuring Farm Director KC Sheperd’s chat with Vice President of Operations at Farm Data Services and Oklahoma cattle producer Clay Burtrum talking about an upcoming Trust In Beef Sustainable Ranchers Tour held June 19-20 on his ranch in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Trust In Beef is an organization that provides technical resources for producers to support the management of their ranches and natural resources. Part of this mission includes a 5-state tour, where attendees can hear from ranchers and farmers who are implementing regenerative practices while managing challenges of farming today. For registration info and more, click here!

“We all know that everybody has a different definition of what sustainability is as we talk about building a better beef system in this beef production system that we talk about, and what does it mean on your ranch,” Clay Burtrum.

Beef production systems are now doing more with less, Burtrum said, as the industry evolves and changes. Part of Farm Journal’s initiative, the tour will talk about the “ins and outs” of sustainability and what that may look like on different operations.

Locally, the tour is supported by Oklahoma Ag Credit, Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma, Oklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association, Corteva, and the Oklahoma Natural Resource Conservation Service.

There will be a reception held on the opening day, June 19th, at the Oklahoma State University Totusek Arena. Starting the morning of June 20th, Burtrum said Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture Blayne Arthur will give opening remarks before heading out to Burtrum Cattle, LLC.

After remarks from Secretary Arther, Burtrum said there will be several stops on the ranch covering topics from virtual fence, sustainable spraying techniques, grazing management systems, and more. For lunch, Burtrum said the group will head back to Totusek Arena for a meal sponsored by Oklahoma Ag Credit and Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma and cooked by the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association.

After lunch, Farm Data Services will talk to the group about sustainability and record management. The afternoon will wrap up with a Beef Quality Assurance session with the Oklahoma Beef Council.

“They have put this all together in a one-stop area where you can have these resources as a farmer and rancher as you come about these tours,” Burtrum said.

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To listen to an earlier edition of Beef Buzz featuring nationally recognized no-till farmer, regenerative rancher and soil-health expert Jimmy Emmons talking more about Farm Journal’s Trust In Beef initiative, CLICK HERE.

The Beef Buzz is a regular feature heard on radio stations around the region on the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and is a regular audio feature found on this website as well. Click on the LISTEN BAR for today’s show and check out our archives for older Beef Buzz shows covering the gamut of the beef cattle industry today.

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