U.S. Wheat Associates Weekly Harvest Report for June 7, 2024

Combines are rolling again in Texas and Oklahoma after rain delays and harvest has begun in southern Kansas. The first
HRW samples arrived at the lab this week for analysis. SRW harvest is also slowly progressing due to rain delays; the
first quality samples arrived this week. HRS and durum farmers are planting their last fields with the crops mostly
emerged and in excellent condition so far. Beneficial rains boosted conditions of the PNW SW crop.

Crop Progress: Rain hindered harvest progress last week but combines are rolling again in Texas and Oklahoma,
where harvest is 33% and 22% complete, respectively. The Kansas crop is 70% colored with test cutting on the
southern border. An estimated 60% of the HRW crop is headed; development of the northern and PNW growing
regions is progressing with some areas 7-10 days behind average. The first samples have arrived in the lab with
preliminary data expected in the next few weeks.

• Crop Conditions: HRW crop conditions are holding steady with 57% of the crop in good to excellent condition. By
state, conditions are variable from 34% good to excellent in Kansas to 76% in South Dakota. Early reports indicate
better than expected yields, average protein of 10.5-12.0% (12% mb) and average test weights of 60.0-62.0 lb/bu
(78.9-81.5 kg/hl). Overall, drought conditions have improved since last year, with USDA estimating 21% of winter
wheat production area experiencing drought conditions compared to 47% this time last year.

• Weather: The warming trend will continue for the entire HRW growing region, pushing crop development. In the
southern Plains, record temperatures of 100°F+ (38°C+) with isolated chance for precipitation are forecast.

• Disease/Pest Pressure: Minimal disease and pest pressures have been reported, including stripe rust and sawfly.
Quality issues are isolated and are being closely monitored.

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