USDA’s June Crop Production Estimates Oklahoma Winter Wheat Production 2.7% Above May Forecast- Kansas Up 5.6%

Listen to Reagan Calk talk with USDA’s Troy Marshall about the June Crop Production report.

The latest Crop Production report was released on June 12, 2024, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Associate Farm Editor Reagan Calk had the chance to talk with Oklahoma State Statistician for USDA NASS, Troy Marshall about highlights from this latest report. To view the May 2024 report, click here.

As of Monday, the winter wheat harvest in Oklahoma was called 55 percent complete according to the Oklahoma Wheat Commission. According to USDA’s Troy Marshall, next months production in Oklahoma will be dependent on weather conditions.

“Weather conditions definitely have not been in our favor,” Marshall said. “We had those rains within the first ten days of this month, and that is right when harvest times were really hitting and going pretty strong.”

U.S. Winter Wheat Production:

Winter wheat production is forecast at 1.29 billion bushels, up 1 percent from the May 1 forecast and up 4 percent from 2023. As of June 1, the United States yield is forecast at 51.4 bushels per acre, up 0.7 bushels from last month and up 0.8 bushels from last year’s average yield of 50.6 bushels per acre.

Oklahoma Winter Wheat Production:

Winter Wheat production for Oklahoma is forecast at 98.8 million bushels, up 44 percent from last year. This forecast is up 2.6 million from the Oklahoma May forecast. Yield per acre is expected to average 38.0 bushels, up 10.0 bushels from the previous year. Acres expected to be harvested for grain, at 2.60 million acres, are up 6 percent from 2023.

Texas Winter Wheat Production:

Winter Wheat production for Texas is forecast at 71.4 million bushels, down 8 percent from last year. This forecast is unchanged from the Texas May forecast. Yield per acre is expected to average 34.0 bushels, down 3.0 bushels from 2023. Harvested acreage for grain, at 2.10 million acres, is unchanged from the previous year.

Kansas Winter Wheat Production:

Winter wheat production in Kansas is forecast at 282 million bushels, up from the May 1 estimate of 267.9 million bushels and up 40 percent from 2023. As of June 1, the winter wheat yield in Kansas is forecast at 40 bushels per acre, up 2 bushels per acre from the May 1 forecast and up 5 bushels per acre from 2023.

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