Shackelford County man arrested for cattle theft

Albany native, Ronnie Joe Patterson, was arrested on a warrant for theft of livestock issued in Potter County. The warrant follows an investigation conducted by Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Special Ranger Chris Ward.

In December 2022, the victim, a rancher from Potter County, discovered a discrepancy in his calf counts. The victim contacted Ward, stating his belief that his employee, Patterson, had stolen the calves.

Ward was able to find evidence that linked Patterson to the crime and determined he had received proceeds from the stolen cattle.

Ward submitted his findings to the Potter County District Attorney’s Office, which reviewed the investigation and secured an indictment for theft of livestock. A warrant was issued for Patterson’s arrest.

Patterson was apprehended on June 8, 2024, in Shackelford County and is currently out on bond.

Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association extends a thank you to the Potter County District Attorney’s Office for their assistance in this case.

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