Oklahoma’s Winter Wheat Production Forecast up 53 Percent from 2023 in Latest Crop Production

Listen to Reagan Calk talk with USDA’s Troy Marshall about the latest USDA Crop Production report.

On July 12, 2024, the USDA released the latest Crop Production report. Associate Farm Editor Reagan Calk had the chance to talk with USDA’s Troy Marshall about the report.

“Today we mainly updated that yield and production number for our small grains,” Marshall said.

In Oklahoma, Marshall said USDA noted a small increase in yield by 1 bushel, raising the forecast up to 39 bushels per acre for Oklahoma,” Marshall said. “Just recapping from that acreage report, we did increase harvested acres coming in at the end of June. We did see that overall production increase in Oklahoma to just over 105 million bushels.”

This production forecast is up 53 percent from last year, Marshall said, and up 6.5 million from the Oklahoma June forecast.

“I know there is still a little bit of a hard time in the panhandle getting some of those acres out with the rains that are there, but as of July 1st, we saw an increase,” Marshall said.

Looking ahead to next month’s report, Marshall said he anticipates higher yield numbers as harvest wraps up in the Southern Plains.

Marshall also talked about July Crop Production numbers for Kansas and Texas. Click the listen bar above to hear the full conversation!

U.S. Crop Production:

Winter wheat production is forecast at 1.34 billion bushels, up 4 percent from the June 1 forecast and up 7 percent from 2023. As of July 1, the United States yield is forecast at 52.0 bushels per acre, up 0.6 bushel from last month and up 1.4 bushels from last year’s average yield of 50.6 bushels per acre.

To view the full U.S. Crop Production Report, click here.

Oklahoma Crop Production:

Winter wheat production for Oklahoma is forecast at 105.3 million bushels, up 53 percent from last year. This forecast is up 6.5 million from the Oklahoma June forecast. Yield per acre is expected to average 39.0 bushels, up 11.0 bushels from the previous year. Acres expected to be harvested for grain, at 2.70 million acres, are up 10 percent from 2023.

Texas Crop Production:

Winter wheat production for Texas is forecast at 78.4 million bushels, up slightly from last year. This forecast is up 7.0 million from the Texas June forecast. Yield per acre is expected to average 32.0 bushels, down 5.0 bushels from 2023. Harvested acreage for grain, at 2.45 million acres, is up 17 percent from the previous year.

Kansas Crop Production:

Winter wheat production for Kansas is forecast at 307.4 million bushels, up from last year’s 201.2 million bushels. Yield is forecast at 43 bushels per acre, up 8 bushels per acre from the previous year. Harvested acreage for grain is at 7.15 million acres, up from last year’s 5.75 million acres.

To see the report for July Crop Production in the Southern Plains, click here.

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