New NALJA Board Elected at the 2024 National Junior Limousin Show & Congress

On Saturday, June 29, 2024, applicants interviewed for open positions on the North American Limousin Junior Association (NALJA) board. They spoke about their desire to be on the board, their biggest influences in life, and their future goals.

The new officers and board members for the 2024-2025 year were named during the awards ceremony held on July 3, 2024, in Tulsa, Okla.

Elected to lead NALJA as the president for 2024-2025 is Eliza Truel, daughter of Hal and Bridget Vogt, Skiatook, Okla. Truel stated, “Being on the board the past 2 years has brought many more opportunities than I expected. I have gained so much between meeting juniors and advocating for the Limousin breed. I am excited to be President so that I can continue my leadership and encouragement in an even more influential way and bring opportunities like these to future generations.” Eliza will continue at Oklahoma State University in the fall. She is studying Animal Science Biotechnology.

“I grew up looking up the NALJA board members and always wanted to be a part of a program that does so much for the juniors. It is so important to me that we never forget that everything we are doing is for the kids watching and growing by looking to us on how we handle ourselves and execute our events with class. Serving as vice president, I hope to continue to foster the connections made through the national Limousin events as I attend them this next year.” Boone Begert, Allison, Texas, will be serving as NALJA vice president. Boone is the son of Bret and Hayley Begert. Mr. Begert will be a sophomore at West Texas A&M University this fall and will be obtaining a degree in Agriculture.

Serving her third year on the NALJA Board of Directors and elected as secretary is Mikayla Askey, daughter of Robert and Angela Askey, from Queen Creek, Ariz. Mikayla stated, “I can say with confidence that these last two years have been some of the best years of my life and I would not trade this experience for the world. I am blessed to be serving as a director for my fourth year on the NALJA board and look forward to further developing network opportunities with breeders and industry professionals that benefit the youth. My goal is to continue to promote the Limousin breed throughout Arizona as well as the U.S. While serving on the board as secretary, I have been able to meet some amazing people that I can now call close friends and family.” Mikayla will continue at the University of Arizona in the fall as an Agriculture Technology Management and Education major.

Elected to serve as treasurer and serve his second year on the NALJA board of directors is Shane Kendall from Magnolia, N.C., son of Dustin and Charmae Kendall. Kendall states, “being a national director has provided me with many new opportunities. It allows has allowed me to go to new places and meet new people. I have also enjoyed interested and getting to know Limousin juniors across the nations. I hope to continue to meet new people in the business that I can help down the line and to keep the breed continue growing.” Shane will attend Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College and participate on the Livestock judging team.

Serving his first term, Turner Sanders, Huntington, Texas, was selected to serve as the social media chair. Turner is the son of Roger and Jill Sanders. Upon being elected, Sanders said, “I am excited to lead and give back to a breed association that has been very welcoming to me and my family as we joined only a few years ago.” Turner will be attending Texas A&M University this fall to study Animal Science.

Landry Kleman will continue on the board as ex-officio. Landry is from Nazareth, Texas and is the son of Brad and Ashley Kleman. “I strive to be a role model for the younger kids in the association. I see the way some of the younger kids look up to board members and hope that I can do the same. I wish to give back to this association any way I can,” stated Kleman. Landry is pursuing a degree in Agriculture Management and Production and Livestock Management and Production, Precision Agriculture at Southeast Community College. He hopes to manage a feed yard or ranch in the future.

From Decatur, Ark., Jacey Smith, daughter of Kevin and Jacque Smith, will continue as a director on the NALJA board of directors. While attending Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College, Jacey will be studying Animal Science and Large Animal Reproduction and will be participating on the livestock judging team. Jacey states, “I am so excited to continue my journey on the junior board and look forward to getting to know all the wonderful juniors within this breed.”

Selected to serve on the NALJA board of directors for their first term are Memphis Peterson, Pukwana, S.D., son of Cade and Erica Peterson; and Brandt Gazaway, Stillwater, Okla., son of Jeff and Amy Gazaway. Appointed to serve a one year term as a director are Wyatt Jacoby, son of David and Jennifer Jacoby, Paradise, Texas; and Kason Kiser, son of Terry and Joanne Kiser, Lufkin, Texas.

Nikki Keeton, Ryleigh Morris, Lily Mitchell, and Ross Turner all completed their service on the NALJA board. While serving, they strived to always put the juniors first and looked for ways to improve the association. Thank you for your service, your dedication, and the humor you added to NALJA trips during your time as a board member. We wish you all nothing but the best on your future endeavors, you will all be missed!

“I am so excited about serving the Limousin juniors this year alongside this amazing board of directors! We are looking forward to setting and achieving new goals. If you ever have any questions about NALJA, don’t hesitate to reach out to a board member or myself,” stated Mallory Blunier, NALF Director of Media & Activities.

For more information about North American Limousin Junior Association, the North American Limousin Foundation, or to locate a Limousin or Lim-Flex breeder near you, visit or call 303-220-1693.

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