National Association of State Departments of Agriculture praises confirmation of Esteban for Under Secretary for Food Safety

The U.S. Senate confirmed Dr. Jose Emilio Esteban as Under Secretary for Food Safety. NASDA CEO Ted McKinney released the following statement regarding Dr. Esteban’s confirmation.
“Dr. Esteban is a remarkable scientist, and perhaps even more important, he is an exceptional communicator when it comes to helping others understand the science behind our food. The U.S. Department of Agriculture needs knowledgeable and experienced leaders at the helm like Dr. Esteban to navigate our food system’s current challenges and implement bipartisan solutions. We thank the U.S. Senate for confirming Dr. Esteban and for seeing the strengths he brings to the agriculture and food industry.”
NASDA also authored a letter of support for Dr. Esteban prior to his confirmation.

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