Category: Ag News

Oklahoma Cash Grains Report from June 28, 2024

Farmers Will Benefit from Restored Balance of Power

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall commented today on the benefits to farmers of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that strikes down Chevron deference. Chevron deference instructed courts to defer to federal agencies’ arguments about the scope of their own authority. In essence, it multiplied the power of federal agencies and undermined the principles of separation of powers. …

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Justin Lewis Market Wrap Up for June 28, 2024

Is the Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge Stealing Cotton Acres?

In April, four national wildlife refuges — including Muleshoe — received support from the federal government to expand their acreage. The original boundary set by the government limited potential growth, so the U.S. Department of Interiors lifted the boundary limitations. However, there is no eminent domain process involved. It is all freedom of choice as …

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Trade Sees a Few Surprises in Latest USDA Acreage and Quarterly Grain Stocks Reports

The USDA released the latest Grain Stocks and Acreage reports on Friday, June 28, 2024. Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays is talking with Allendale’s Rich Nelson about key takeaways from both reports. Starting with acreage numbers for the spring planted crops, Nelson said 1.4 million acres was added to the prior estimate of …

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Chairwoman Stabenow Statement on SNAP Payment Error Rate

Senator Debbie Stabenow, Chairwoman of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee, released the following statement on the SNAP payment error rate. “While states faced many challenges ensuring access to SNAP during the pandemic and unwinding temporary pandemic benefits and flexibilities, the national error rate reported today is unacceptable. The SNAP payment error rate measures …

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NFU Serves Up the Farmer’s Share of July 4th Cookout Costs

As Americans prepare to celebrate Independence Day with family gatherings and festive cookouts, NFU released the updated “Farmer’s Share of the Food Dollar” for items typically enjoyed during a Fourth of July cookout. These figures reveal how much family farmers earn compared to the amount consumers pay at the grocery store. NFU President Rob Larew …

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Supreme Court’s Chevron Decisions are a Gift to Polluters

Today the Supreme Court overruled its longstanding Chevron precedent, which has instructed courts to afford federal agencies deference when interpreting laws they are tasked with carrying out. Today’s decision will enable judges to substitute their own interpretation of ambiguous statutory text for those of agency experts when considering agency authority under key environmental, public health, and consumer protection …

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Lankford Applauds Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Chevron Doctrine

Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today issued a statement following the Supreme Court decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless v. Department of Commerce, which overruled its 1984 decision in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council. The Court’s ruling voids precedent that the courts will defer to federal agencies to interpret the law if a statue is unclear. Lankford has …

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Picnics and Cookouts Require Vigilant Food Safety

The summer season is full of fun with outdoor activities such as swimming, riding bikes and catching fireflies. It is also a time for picnics and cookouts, and safety must be paramount to avoid any health risks. Christi Evans, Oklahoma State University Extension assistant food safety specialist, said keeping cold foods cold during transport to the picnic …

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