Category: Ag News

2024 Oklahoma Legislative Session Policy Update from OKFB’s Steve Thompson

Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays is talking with Oklahoma Farm Bureau Vice President of Public Policy Steve Thompson about the latest from the 2024 state legislative session. Thompson said some of the agricultural highlights from the session pertained to the poultry industry and water in the state. Another important topic of discussion during …

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Okfuskee County Cattlemen’s Association Helping Others

“Cooperation Among Cattlemen” A convoy of trucks and trailers left Okemah, Friday, March 8, carrying 175 bales of hay and 13 pallets of t-posts. They were bound for Northwest Oklahoma, which has experienced two weeks of unrelenting wildfires. By the time the trucks rolled out, more than 120,000 acres had burned, and 44 homes had …

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Oklahoma Cash Grains Report for March 15, 2024

AITC Summer Road Trip Applications Now Available

Are you ready to hit the road with Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom? Applications are now available for the 2024 Summer Road Trip set for June 4-6, 2024. “The summer road trip is one of my favorite professional learning opportunities we provide for educators,” said AITC Coordinator, Emily Ague. “It is an incredible opportunity for …

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Masonic Charity Foundation supports Oklahoma 4-H with Innovate Summit donation

By Laramie Coffey The Oklahoma 4-H Foundation received a $25,000 grant from the Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma to support the 2024 Oklahoma 4-H Innovate Summit. “This money from the Masonic Charity Foundation helps us keep the cost low for attendees and also supports meeting spaces and workshop supplies,” said Kelly Wardlaw, STEM specialist for …

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Pork Exports Soar to New Heights in 2024

U.S. pork exports are off to a great start in 2024, showcasing robust performance across various markets. Exports totaled 251,424 metric tons (mt) in January, up 6% from a year ago, while export value also increased 6% to $682.1 million. Other January Export Data Mexico: Leading the charge, Mexico demonstrated another remarkable performance with exports …

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OSU’s Dr. Rosslyn Biggs: Is Your Dewormer Working?

Internal parasites continue to pose a threat to beef cattle production, affecting animal health, productivity, and economic viability. Anthelmintic (dewormer) resistance is a growing concern, and given the expense of dewormers, producers and veterinarians need to be sure they are working. Recent Oklahoma State University (OSU) research has shed light on the seeming need to …

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Ranchers Urge BLM to Incorporate Latest Science in New Sage Grouse Plans

Today, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) and Public Lands Council (PLC) responded to the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) release of the updated greater sage ground management plans. These plans will shape public land use across 10 different states and tens of millions of Western acres. After completing revisions to the plans in 2015 …

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Rumensin Offers Beef Cows Extra Energy and Less Methane Emissions

Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays is talking with Elanco Beef Cattle Technical Consultant Frank White about Rumensin for beef cattle by Elanco. Since the 70s, White said Rumensin is a product that offers an array of benefits for beef cattle producers. “How Rumensin works is whatever you are feeding that animal or that …

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Spring into Weight Management with Realistic Goals

With spring and warm weather knocking on the door, some Oklahomans may feel a renewed energy to better manage their weight and lead a healthier lifestyle. Despite ads on television and online promising fast weight loss, a healthy diet combined with physical activity is still the foundation for long-term weight loss success, said Janice Hermann, …

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