Category: Ag News

MCOOL and EID Eartag Discussion from R-Calf USA

There are two important initiatives underway in Washington, D.C., to help America’s cattle farmers and ranchers. One is intended to ensure that mandatory country of origin labeling (MCOOL) for beef is included in the 2024 Farm Bill. The other is to ensure that the Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) new rule that mandates the use of …

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Beltway Beef Podcast: What the Supreme Court’s Chevron Ruling Means for the Cattle Industry

USTR Makes Strong Case During USCMA Trade Dispute Hearing

Officials from the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative hammered arguments made by Mexican representatives this week during oral arguments over Mexico’s ban on imports of genetically modified corn used in some food products. The ban was issued in early 2023. USTR filed a dispute settlement under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement over the issue in August …

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U.S. Red Meat Symposium Provides Deep Dive into Rapidly Growing Mexican Market

With U.S. red meat exports reaching record levels in Mexico, the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) held the inaugural U.S. Red Meat Symposium in Mexico City June 13-14 to examine its economic and political climate, highlight the market’s continued growth potential and explore emerging opportunities for U.S. red meat. USMEF Chair Randy Spronk and Secretary/Treasurer …

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Rabobank’s Lance Zimmerman – Consumer Attitudes Towards Beef Remain Positive

Rabobank’s senior beef analyst, Lance Zimmerman, talked in depth with Oklahoma Farm Report’s Ron Hays about consumers and their attitudes towards beef. Overall, he says that the consumer is “hanging in there” despite current financial stressors and concerns about the future. “When we look at the consumer, I always like to remind producers that demand …

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Missouri Corn and FFA Members Create Agriculture Hype

ARA Deems Supreme Court Decision Reversing Chevron Defense as Good News for Ag Retail

Cattle Producers Celebrate Supreme Court Decision to Rein in Administrative Overreach

Today, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) welcomed the Supreme Court’s decision in the case Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo—a decision that reins in the legal concept of Chevron deference and reduces overreaching regulations from federal agencies that lack congressional authority. “Our elected officials in Congress should be making our laws, not unelected bureaucrats at federal agencies,” said …

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Biosecurity at Livestock Venues

As fair season approaches, it’s important to remember that biosecurity is critical, especially at locations where the public interfaces with animals, such as shows, agritourism sites, and petting zoos. Although these venues offer a highly valuable educational opportunity and better understanding of agriculture for both participants and spectators, disease risk from animal to animal and …

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Apply Today for the 2025 Conservation Legacy Awards!

Share the story of how conservation is fundamental to your farm operation and you could be recognized with a Conservation Legacy Award. This honor celebrates U.S. soybean growers who are maximizing the profitability and longevity of their farm through a variety of conservation-minded management practices. Examples include but are not limited to cover crops; reduced …

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