Category: Ag News

Drought & River Transport Impact on Corn Competitiveness

For the second year in a row, drought conditions are impacting transportation on the Mississippi River at the peak shipment point of the year. Shallower river levels mean barge weight restrictions, slower barge traffic, and higher costs to ship commodities on the river. Ultimately, this translates to a relatively lower price at the farmgate and …

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USDA Makes Producer-Friendly Change to 2023 Notice of Loss Requirements for Two Livestock Disaster Assistance Programs

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has waived certain notice of loss requirements for 2023 for the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-raised Fish (ELAP) and Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP). In an effort to streamline assistance to support access to critical 2023 natural disaster recovery assistance, USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is waiving the requirement to submit ELAP or …

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Latest USDA Forecast: Smaller – but Still Significant – Farm Income Drop

USDA’s most recent Farm Sector Income Forecast, released Nov. 30, projected a smaller – but still significant – drop in 2023 net farm income compared to August estimates. The $41.7 billion (23%) decline forecast in August was adjusted to a $31.8 billion (17%) drop for a total net farm income of $151 billion expected for 2023 (compared …

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Bob Rodenberger says Runs Significantly Lower than a Year Ago and No Sign of Herd Rebuilding Soon

Farm Director, KC Sheperd, is back talking with Bob Rodenberger, a partner with Stockmans Livestock Marketing, as he gives the latest on the cattle markets. Rodenberger said it has been a wild ride since September. “There is no black swan,” Rodenberger said. “I think it has got a lot to do with outside money in our industry as …

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Taste, Tradition and Pork’s Nutritional Power

Empowering African Americans to Purchase Pork   ‘Don’t Miss the Flavor’ stands as NPB’s strategic platform to elevate pork consumption among African American Millennial and Gen Z consumers. This strategic platform is all about celebrating taste and the rich cultural flavors reminiscent of soul food while emphasizing the nutritional value of pork. The Multicultural Consumer Impact: …

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Kim Anderson says 2024 Hard Red Winter Wheat Crop is Forward Contracting for More than Current Market Price

This Week on SUNUP is Oklahoma State University Extension grain market economist Kim Anderson. During this week’s edition, Anderson talks about the latest news in the crop markets.  Anderson said wheat prices are around $5.70, up about 25 cents over the last week. “If you go back a couple of weeks, we said that prices …

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ASA Urges Senate Confirmation of Mersinger & Gooden

The Senate Ag Committee today held a hearing to consider the nominations of Dr. Basil Ivanhoe Gooden to be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development and the Honorable Summer K. Mersinger to be a Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. ASA has signed letters touting the qualifications for each nominee and urges swift …

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We’ve Waited Too Long–Commentary by Bill Bullard, CEO, R-CALF USA

In 2019, the volume of fed cattle sold in the negotiated cash market fell to the lowest level in history. It fell to less than 21%. This means less than 21% of all fed cattle sales occurred in the price discovery market. More plainly, only about 100,000 cattle set the base price for the roughly …

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Biden-Harris Administration Expanding High-Speed Internet to Seminole County

Funding is Part of President Biden’s Investing in America Commitment U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development and Oklahoma State Director Kenneth Corn announced today nearly $15.2 million in grants and loans to connect thousands of rural residents, farmers and business owners across rural Seminole County to affordable high-speed internet through the ReConnect Program, funded …

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Friday Preopening Market Update with Dave Lanning

RON’s Dave Lanning has a pre-opening look at today’s agricultural Markets. Click the audio tab below for today’s report.

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