Category: Ag News

Dairy Defined Podcast: Chairman Mooney Highlights Dairy’s Strengths

Mon, 31 Oct 2022 08:14:51 CDT
Dairy Defined Podcast: Chairman Mooney Highlights Dairy's Strengths

Dairy Defined Podcast: Chairman Mooney Highlights Dairy's Strengths

NMPF Chairman Randy Mooney, a dairy farmer outside Rogersville, MO, said the spirit of collaboration and facing challenges head on, embodied in the cooperative model, will give dairy strength in the years to come. He spoke on Oct. 25 at NMPF’s annual meeting in Denver.

“This is an exciting time in our industry,” Mooney said. “What we do on our farms and in our communities is important, how we do it is important, and it’s important that we stay at the forefront of this revolution, never settling for status quo, thinking differently, and seizing the opportunities.”

For more about the value cooperatives provide, NMPF has a page here. The full podcast is here. You can also find the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and Amazon Music.


NCBA’s Beltway Beef Podcast: The Inside Scoop on Beef Sustainability

Mon, 31 Oct 2022 08:11:23 CDT
NCBA's Beltway Beef Podcast: The Inside Scoop on Beef Sustainability

NCBA's Beltway Beef Podcast: The Inside Scoop on Beef Sustainability

Each week, NCBA’s Beltway Beef brings you the latest policy news affecting the U.S. cattle and beef industry. Hear from subject-matter experts, producers, and industry leaders on the topics that impact the business viability of farms and ranches across the country.

On this episode, NCBA Chief Counsel Mary-Thomas Hart and Senior Director of Sustainability Dr. Samantha Werth join to discuss the science that confirms the cattle industry’s sustainability. Thanks to generations of continuous improvement, the cattle industry has substantially reduced greenhouse gas emissions while more efficiently providing a nutritious protein and supporting the economy in rural communities. Hart explains how the cattle industry’s sustainable practices connect to advocacy in Washington, while Werth explains all the environmental, economic, and societal benefits of beef. Learn more about the cattle industry’s sustainability at

Listen to the podcast by clicking here.


Your Central Region Vice President of the National FFA- Karstyn Cantrell of the Skiatook FFA Chapter

Sun, 30 Oct 2022 20:05:41 CDT
Your Central Region Vice President of the National FFA- Karstyn Cantrell of the Skiatook FFA Chapter

Your Central Region Vice President of the National FFA- Karstyn Cantrell of the Skiatook FFA Chapter

Click here to listen to audio

Karstyn Cantrell of the Skiatook FFA Chapter heard her name called on Saturday afternoon in the final moments of the 2022 National FFA Convention and Expo- and that meant that she will be one of six national officers for the National FFA organization over the next twelve months. Cantrell was selected this week to serve as the Central Region National Vice President of the 580,000 member organization.

Each year during the National FFA Convention and Expo, six students are elected by delegates to represent the organization as national officers. Delegates select a President, Secretary and Vice Presidents from the country’s Central, Eastern, Southern and Western Regions.
Throughout their year of service to the National FFA Organization, the officers will interact with business and industry leaders; corporate sponsors; government and educational officials; state FFA leaders; the general public and thousands of FFA members. The team will led personal growth and leadership training conferences for FFA members throughout the country and help set policies that will guide the future of FFA and the next generation of leaders.

After the final gavel of the convention- Senior farm and ranch broadcaster Ron Hays talked for a few moments with Karstyn- who said her heart was still beating fast from hearing her name called in the final conventions General Session. She added that she felt at peace throughout the week as she engaged with the nominating committee in a variety of settings. She had the advantage over other candidates in that she was a national officer candidate last year- and that experience allowed her to understand that she needed to prepare for a poential year of service instead of just preparing for the process of being interviewed and compared to the other candidates.

Cantrell says that she was able to show the Nominating Committee the “real me.” As for who that is- “I told the nominating committee that I’m Karstyn and that when you look at me you see someone who production agriculture and the ag industry has shaped into someone who is outgoing and professional and polished but also poised. You know, I walk with that purpose and that humble attitude because of the way that ag industry and the FFA have shaped me.”

She told Hays earlier that growing up on a fourth-generation cow-calf operation, that she feels lucky to have deep family roots within the agriculture industry. The transition to being involved in the FFA at a young age, she added, was seamless.

Early on in her FFA career, Cantrell said she learned the value of saying “yes” after listening to advice from a peer in her chapter.

“She told me to simply say yes,” Cantrell said. “Anytime there was a sign-up on the board asking if we wanted to participate in contests or camps or conventions, I always took that piece of advice and said ‘yes.’”

You can hear their complete conversation by clicking on the Listen Link below.

You can go back to just before the National Convention and hear their earlier conversation and read more by clicking here.

Click here for the National FFA release detailing information of all six national officers that will be serving together over the next year- taking a year off from college in the process.

The picture above shows Karstyn Cantrell second from the right as the new National Officers hold the gavel.


Ron Hays talks with Karstyn Cantrell about being elected as a National Officer of the FFA

click to play audio or right-click to download

Stillwater FFA Claims Five Champions in National Agriscience Fair- More Than Any Other Chapter or State in the US

Sun, 30 Oct 2022 19:58:17 CDT

The Stillwater FFA Chapter captured more National Championships in the National FFA Agriscience Fair i Indianapolis then any other Chapter in the United States- and the five National Championshi…

Meet Your 2022 National Proficiency Award Winner in Beef Production- Luke Gallagher of Altus FFA

Sun, 30 Oct 2022 13:28:27 CDT

Click here to listen to audio

Two Oklahoma FFA Members brought home National Championships in the Agricultural Proficiency Awards as they were announced at the National FFA Convention in In…

Meet Your 2022 National Proficiency Award Winner in Agriscience Animal Systems- Raigan McKee of Oologah FFA

Sun, 30 Oct 2022 13:29:35 CDT

Click here to listen to audio

Two Oklahoma FFA Members brought home National Championships in the Agricultural Proficiency Awards as they were announced at the National FFA Convention in In…

Caleb Horne of Morrison FFA Wins National Championship in Prepared Public Speaking at 2022 National FFA Convention

Sun, 30 Oct 2022 12:53:27 CDT
Caleb Horne of Morrison FFA Wins National Championship in Prepared Public Speaking at 2022 National FFA Convention

Caleb Horne of Morrison FFA Wins National Championship in Prepared Public Speaking at 2022 National FFA Convention

Click here to listen to audio

Caleb Horne from the Morrison FFA Chapter in Oklahoma was named the National Champion in the Prepared Public Speaking LDE Contest with his speech about carbon sequestration. Horne believes that it is imporant to educate farmers and consumers about this topic.

The top four individuals received cash awards to recognize their success in the event. The prepared public speaking LDE is designed to recognize outstanding FFA members for their ability to prepare and present a factual speech on a specific agricultural issue in a well thought-out and logical manner in a competitive setting. Members prepare and deliver an eight to ten minute speech from memory and respond to five minutes of questions. The event is just one way FFA members can develop their ability to communicate in a powerful, organized and professional manner.

Horne won the state of Oklahoma’s Prepared Public Speaking Contest at the Oklahoma FFA Convention in Tulsa this past spring- earning him the right to represent Oklahoma at the National Convention in Indianapolis. He spoke on the efforts in the US to provide farmers financial incentives in the carbon sequestration arena. You can listen to Caleb Horne’s presenation as one of the Final Four speakers at the National Level this past week. Click on the listen link below.


Listen to Caleb Horne give his speech and answer questions in the Final 4 at Indy

click to play audio or right-click to download

Oklahoma Grain Elevator Cash Bids as of 2 p.m. October 28, 2022

Fri, 28 Oct 2022 15:18:12 CDT
Oklahoma Grain Elevator Cash Bids as of 2 p.m. October 28, 2022

Oklahoma Grain Elevator Cash Bids as of 2 p.m. October 28, 2022

The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture are now putting the Daily Cash Grain Report into a PDF format – we are saving that PDF and archiving them for today’s specific report. To see today’s update, click on the PDF report link at the bottom of this story.

In addition to the PDF of the daily report, you can also listen to the Cash Grain Report by calling 405-621-5533. Push 2 for the grain report.

Click here: 04823_OklaCashGrain10282022.pdf


National FFA Announces Winners for National FFA Agriscience Fair

Fri, 28 Oct 2022 15:15:33 CDT

The National FFA Organization has announced the 2022 National FFA Agriscience Fair winners for Power and Structural and Technical Systems. The winners were recognized today during the fifth session of…

National FFA Announces Proficiency Winners During the National FFA Convention & Expo

Fri, 28 Oct 2022 15:11:35 CDT

Nine winners of the 2022 Agricultural Proficiency Awards were named during the fifth session of the 95th National FFA Convention & Expo on Friday, Oct. 28, which is being held in Indianapolis.


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