Tag: okwx

Summer has Arrived with Hot Temps Expected this Week

Well it looks as if the heat dome has settled above Oklahoma over the next week. According to State Climatolgoist Gary McManus we will see high heat index values up into the 110’s off and on over the next five days. McManus says while it is hot this week, there is some hope for change, …

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Record-Breaking Rains in the Panhandle

The Panhandle has been waiting a long time to see these rains come through. According to State Climatologist Gary McManus, we are seeing a 1000 year rainfall. “That 7.52″ of rain in Goodwell- that fell since 10:50 p.m. last night, so just around 8 hours,” McManus said. “In actuality, most of it fell between 10:50 …

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Warmer Weather on the Way!

Well, we have finally seen Winter Weather across the state, as December was the 4th warmest record (dating back to 1895), according to State Climatologist Gary McManus. He says we will see Temps in the 60s as we get into Next week, “In the case for next week, the trends in weather will greatly overcome …

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Rain is Possible, but Chances for White Christmas are Small

Rain Showers are currently making their way across the state which is great news for the Month of December in Oklahoma! State Climatologist Gary McManus says the storm will be moving East, and then Dive South and the Rainfall pattern will mirror that movement, “We do have some pretty good totals thus far across far …

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Rain Chances Continue With Possibility of Wintery Mix

Well, November rain is not common in Oklahoma; we will still take the rain anytime we can get it! According to State Climatologist Gary McManus, we could always use more rain in November, “While we’re thankful for any precip that falls, we sure could use more. (Hence the lump of coal) And that’s the only …

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Hard Freeze across the State, But a Warm up on the Way for the Weekend

Well Winter has officially shown up in Oklahoma, leaving Fall in the Dust.. However, according to State Climatologist Gary McManus we will be seeing fall-like temps across the state this weekend, “A warm-up through the weekend then a minor cold front.” We will be seeing temps climb into the high 60s, and low 70s across …

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More Rain on the Way with Cooler Temps and Frost on the Pumpkins for Next week

This week, Oklahoma has seen some much-needed rain across the state, with what looks to be more on the way thanks to Hurricane Norma. State Climatologist Gary McManus says we’ve seen very generous rainfall with a possibility of storm # 2 and Storm #3. Storm #2 is arriving this week with an opportunity for More …

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Rain Chances Return Next Week with Tropical Storm Norma

It has been dry the past couple of weeks in Oklahoma, and farmers are looking for some rainfall in the forecast. State Climatologist Gary McManus says tropical storm Norma might be the answer for much-needed rainfall. “When it comes to these tropical storm remnants, you’re in really dicey territory, especially coming from the southwest where …

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Finally Fall in Oklahoma? Not yet…

While most of the state has enjoyed much more fall-like temperatures the past few days, it looks like summer is not ready to let go just yet! According to State Climatologist Gary McManus we will see a little more summer before we see a LOT more fall, “Now we go back to the heat of …

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Severe Weather, Cooler Temps and Rain are all In the Forecast this Week

Well it looks like we might actually see some fall temperatures this week, and also the possibility of Rain, But as we know in Oklahoma, when we get rain, we always see a threat of severe weather. State Climatologist Gary McManus says We will see the possibility of large hail, a slight tornado risk, and …

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