Tag: Weather

Chances of Rain move Throughout the State this Week

Today will be warm and Windy with chances of fire danger and gusts of 40-50-mph, but chances of rain will make their way across the state this week. According to State Climatologist Gary McManus, “We’ll have a chance of rain tonight into Tuesday, maybe a few rumbles of thunder, then another chance across NW and …

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Last Round of Winter Weather, then Warmer Weather on the Way

The 3rd round of Winter Weather is set to move through the state later this evening, with the possibility of sleet and freezing rain. State Climatologist Gary McManus says this latest round of Wintery mix will gradually expand northward on Wednesday into Wednesday evening. With this latest round, you can expect precipitation in the state …

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Winter Weather Arrives in the State with Thunder Sleet, Cold Temps and Round 2 on the Way

Strange weather we are having here today, even for Oklahoma! Much of the state woke up to “Thunder Sleet” With heavy showers of sleet falling, thunder, and lightning. State Climatologist Gary McManus says this is the first wave, “We start off our winter storm with waves of sleet and freezing rain today, get another dose …

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Warm Front Brings a Surge of Moisture with Possibility of Severe Weather

Parts of the state could see severe weather today, according to State Climatologist Gary McManus, “A warm front has brought a surge of moisture into the state, setting us up for the possibility of severe storms later today as we see yet another cold front fire through the state tonight. Kingfisher’s temperatures went up 25 …

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Cold Front Moves in Late Wednesday with Dangerous Wind Chills

Bitterly Cold weather is headed this way and is expected to roll in late Wednesday night. According to State Climatologist, Gary McManus it won’t be as long or severe as the February 2021 Deep Freeze Event, but we will see very low temperatures and even lower wind-chills. McManus says there probably won’t be much snow, …

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Cool-season Setup for Severe weather Moving into the State

State Climatologist Gary McManus says a storm system is approaching from the West, “That system will drag a cold front through the state that will not only help propagate storms eastward through the state but also bring us back down to actual winter!” McManus says we will see the coldest weather around the Christmas Holiday, …

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Heavy Rains Possible Across Southeast Oklahoma this Week

State Climatologist Gary McManus says we are 20 days away from Christmas and that there is a chance that SOMEONE in the US will see some Snow this Christmas. Still, probably NOT in Oklahoma, “Most places in Oklahoma have what could aptly be termed “negligible” odds for a white Christmas. We see zilch for not …

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Forecast for Thanksgiving Looks Mild So far

Its been chilly since the cold front blew in back on November 10th. According to State Climatologist Gary McManus, “This is the most serious below-normal period we’ve seen in the state since…well, we haven’t seen anything like this in the state since probably Feb. 2021” McManus said we have seen periods where we were colder, …

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Rain and Snow moving its Way Across the State

Right now we have a little shortwave moving in from the West and Weaking, according to State Climatologist Gary McManus. He says it will possibly generate enough “lift” to set up extremely heavy snow bands across western into south central Oklahoma. “Temps are still warm, of course, but as we’ve talked about for days (and …

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Cold Front Enters the State bringing some Showers, Cooler Temps and Maybe even Snow

State Climatologist Gary McManus says the Blue Norther that crashed into the state has brought down the temperatures. “Temperatures have crashed from a lovely fall/spring day yesterday all the way down to January levels,” said McManus. With the temperatures dropping following the cold front, McManus says so goes the moisture as well. We did see …

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