From:                              Ron Hays <> on behalf of Ron Hays <>

Sent:                               Tuesday, February 23, 2016 6:35 AM

To:                                   Arterburn, Pam

Subject:                          Oklahoma's Farm News Update




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Big Iron 


Let's Check the Markets!  



Today's First Look:

mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.



Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futuresclick here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.



Okla Cash Grain:  

Daily Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture.



Futures Wrap:  

Our Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio Oklahoma Network with Leslie Smith and Tom Leffler- analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.


Feeder Cattle Recap:  

The National Daily Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.


Slaughter Cattle Recap: 

The National Daily Slaughter Cattle Summary- as prepared by the USDA.


TCFA Feedlot Recap:  

Finally, here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.





Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!


Ron Hays, Senior Editor and Writer


Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager


Dave Lanning, Markets and Production


Leslie Smith, Editor and Contributor

Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News

Presented by

Okla Farm Bureau 


Your Update from Ron Hays of RON

   Tuesday, February 23, 2016



Howdy Neighbors! 

Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. 

SQ777Featured Story:

Talking State Question 777- Terry, Roy Lee, Michael, RJ and Scott Look for Support at AFR Convention on Saturday  


Last July, the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association had a panel of ag industry leaders discuss the genesis of the Right to Farm proposal, why it is needed and how to get the resulting State Question 777 across the finish line with the approval of state voters in November.

Since that time, multiple groups have followed suit with sessions explaining its importance and issuing a call to action to their members to support SQ777, educate themselves about it and write a check to support the campaign that is now underway.

At the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Farmers and Ranchers in Norman, the session on State Question 777 came Saturday afternoon, with AFR President Terry Detrick serving as the moderator. Detrick introduced Roy Lee Lindsay of the Oklahoma Pork Council, Michael Kelsey, Executive Vice President of the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association and RJ Gray, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Association of Ag Cooperatives. At the end of the presentation and questions for this panel, Detrick offered the mic to Oklahoma State Representative Scott Biggs, who was one of the authors of the underlying legislation for Right to Farm.

We have the audio of the session- which is available here. Take a listen and if you have more questions, you can jump over to the Yes Campaign website by clicking here.



Sponsor Spotlight


The presenting sponsor of our daily email is the Oklahoma Farm Bureau - a grassroots organization that has for its Mission Statement- Improving the Lives of Rural Oklahomans."  Farm Bureau, as the state's largest general farm organization, is active at the State Capitol fighting for the best interests of its members and working with other groups to make certain that the interests of rural Oklahoma are protected.  Click here for their website to learn more about the organization and how it can benefit you to be a part of Farm Bureau.




NFUGouleWe Talk Voluntary COOL, TPP, Crop Insurance, the EWG and More With Chandler Coule of NFU 


Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL) is not dead. The U.S. mandatory COOL program was determined to be not in compliance with the World Trade Organization (WTO) and it was repealed by Congress in December, but the movement to get a voluntary COOL program continues to be pushed by the National Farmers Union organization. In speaking at the American Farmers and Ranchers annual meeting in Norman this past Saturday, NFU Sr. Vice President of Programs Chandler Goule told AFR members and then afterwards, yours truly,  "find me one single consumer that says they want to know less about their food, where it came from or any of its ingredients." He said there is plenty of support for a voluntary COOL program, but to move forward it will have to be done in a way that does not violate WTO rules.

I also visited with Chandler about TPP,  the Trans Pacific Partnership.  NFU is one of the few agricultural groups that is actively opposing the ratification of the TPP, Goule saying the key to their opposition is the fact that the agreement does not address currency manipulation.

NFU and it's Oklahoma affiliate, AFR-OFU, often do not agree on issues- but one that they do agree on is the need to protect Crop Insurance funding from Uncle Sam.  I raised that issue with Goule and I got a strong defense for Crop Insurance and a extended rant on the EWG, a major critic of Crop Insurance support by the Federal Government- as well as every other safety net program that have been in Farm Bills for years.  It's worth listening to our conversation for Chandler's rant on this subject- and we featured a hunk of that this morning in our Farm and Ranch News heard on Radio Oklahoma Ag Network radio stations across the state.

I caught up with Goule on Satruday at the 111th American Farmers & Ranchers Convention in Norman, Oklahoma.  Click or tap here to hear more about the 2014 Farm Bill, the attacks on crop insurance funding, the upcoming elections and the 2016 NFU annual convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


PeelPeel Finds Imports of Mexican Cattle Likely to Decrease


Mondays, Dr. Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist, offers his economic analysis of the beef cattle industry. This analysis is a part of the weekly series known as the "Cow Calf Corner" published electronically by Dr. Peel and Dr. Glenn Selk. Today, Dr. Peel looks at cattle trade between the United States and our neighbor to the north, Canada.



"The U.S. and Mexican cattle and beef industries continue to integrate, building on a long history of trade between the two countries. Mexico has exported feeder cattle to the U.S. for more than a century and continues to do so today. After increasing in the mid-1980s, U.S. imports of Mexican cattle have averaged 1.08 million head for the last 30 years. In the most recent ten years, the average has been slightly higher at 1.14 million head per year. Mexican cattle have added an average of 2.9 percent annually to the U.S. calf crop for the past 30 years, with the percentage slightly higher in recent years as U.S. cattle inventories have declined.

"In 2015, imports of Mexican cattle were 1.15 million head, up 3.5 percent year over year and just slightly higher than the ten year average. Imports dropped sharply at the end of 2015, with November down 29.7 percent and December down 36.4 percent compared to the same months one year earlier. This decrease in imports of Mexican cattle at the end of 2015 no doubt reflects lower U.S. cattle prices but also likely is a result of tight cattle supplies in Mexico. Lower U.S. cattle prices reduce the incentive to export cattle from Mexico but this is partially offset by the rapid erosion in the value of the Mexican Peso at the end of 2015, which keeps U.S. cattle prices relatively higher in Mexico. Despite indications of declining cattle numbers in Mexico, record high U.S. prices combined with a weakening Peso kept U.S. imports of Mexican cattle high through 2014 and most of 2015. Domestic Mexican cattle supplies have also been boosted by increased imports of cattle from Central America. 

Click or tap here to read more about a pronounced seasonal pattern with exports sharply lower from June through September and the outlook for U.S. imports of Mexican cattle. 


BiggsOklahoma State Representative Scott Biggs Says Threats Offer Preview of State Question 777


Oklahoma State Representative Scott Biggs is standing up for Oklahomans and is making some enemies in the process. A proposed law that would prohibit animal-rights organizations from raising funds in this state to spend in another state or on political campaigns has gotten the attention of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). House Bill 2250 introduced by State Representative Brian Renegar would forbid any animal-rights charitable organization, professional fund-raiser or professional solicitor engaged by such an organization, from soliciting contributions in Oklahoma for use on "program services or functional expenses outside of this state, or for political purposes inside or outside this state."

The bill was brought up recently by the House Agriculture Committee. During the meeting, questions were asked about HSUS and what happened following the Moore tornado disaster. Biggs said HSUS was running television ads, benefit concerts and were sending emails to solicit support. He said it has been reported that HSUS raised $1.7 million and spent only $110,000 of that money on animals and shelters in Oklahoma.

"Of course those facts were embarrassing to them (HSUS), so instead of responding, they responded by way of threatening letters, with threats of lawsuits, demands that we apologize and retract statements and basically attempted to silence our voice in pursuing legislation that protects Oklahomans," Biggs said.



I interviewed Oklahoma State Representative Scott Biggs. Click or tap here to listen to the interview.


Sponsor Spotlight



We are happy to have the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association as a part of our great lineup of email sponsors. They do a tremendous job of representing cattle producers at the state capitol as well as in our nation's capitol. They seek to educate OCA members on the latest production techniques for maximum profitability and to communicate with the public on issues of importance to the beef industry.  Click here for their website to learn more about the OCA.  




Farmer Co-ops and NAWG Applaud Chairman Roberts' Labeling Proposal


The National Association of Wheat Growers and National Council of Farmer Cooperatives Friday applauded U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts for his proposal to establish a national voluntary labeling standard for bioengineered foods, and for other purposes.

Vermont's mandatory law requiring on-package labels of foods containing biotech-derived ingredients takes effect in July, and unless Congress acts swiftly, families, farmers and their cooperatives will face chaos in the market and higher costs. Multiple studies have shown that the associated costs with Vermont's GMO-labeling law and a subsequent patchwork of state laws will cost American families hundreds of dollars more in groceries each year - hitting low-income Americans the hardest.


"A patchwork of state-by-state food labeling is unworkable, so it is urgent that Congress take action on the national issue of transparent food labeling," said NAWG President Brett Blankenship, wheat grower from Washtucna, WA. "Wheat growers are grateful to Chairman Roberts for his leadership to find a common-sense, uniform national food labeling standard, and we look forward to working to ensure this legislation is approved by Congress as quickly as possible."  Click or tap here to read more NAWG.



"We are out of time, and Congress needs to quickly take action on a uniform, national standard for labeling foods containing GMO ingredients. Chairman Roberts' proposal is a welcome and encouraging event for farmer co-ops and their producer-owners who otherwise will be forced to alter their production methods and segregate their supply chains in order to comply with Vermont's labeling mandate," said NCFC President and CEO Chuck Conner. "I would like to thank Chairman Roberts for his leadership on this issue, and I look forward to working with him to ensure legislation is approved by Congress as soon as possible."

The Senate Agriculture Committee is scheduled to mark-up the proposal at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 25.


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Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click here to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.


BushongWeather Confusing Oklahoma Canola Crop, OSU's Josh Bushong Offers Crop Management Outlook


Oklahoma's canola crop looks to be in great condition as the crop comes out of winter. That's according to Oklahoma State University Winter Canola Extension Specialist Josh Bushong. He said the crop looks much improved over the last few years. With a mild winter, he said the crop wasn't fully dormant. The crop started to go into dormancy with the freezing weather, then warmer temperatures returned and the crop started to grow again. He said the weather has confused the crop, that's why there are some fields of purple canola.

While the crop has good stands and yield potential, it will need some help from Mother Nature to finish strong. Bushong said the top couple of inches of soil has dried out, so rain is needed. Rain is also needed to top dress fields with nitrogen fertilizer. He said now is also the time to scout fields for weeds and pests. Bushong has seen diamondback moth larvae and aphids, so farmers may consider applying an insecticide and herbicide at the same time to save a trip across the field.

In looking ahead to harvest, Bushong said every year is different, so the right decision isn't the same every year. He recommends swathing the crop in a timely fashion and get it out of the field as soon as possible. If the spring monsoon rains return, he said that may require having custom harvest help for direct harvesting. Last year, a lot of farmers couldn't get the crop swathed before the rain. But most importantly, he recommends farmers be flexible and adaptable with the harvest situation.



I caught up with Bushong at Canola College in Enid on Thursday. Click or tap here to listen to the full interview.


ThisNThatThis N That- RAIN, First Hollow Stem and Quartermaster Sale Tomorrow 


As we get ready to send this email to you this morning, we have rain in the state- primarily south of I-40.  The rainfall totals in real time are available here- and as of 6 AM- we have four Mesonet stations with more than an inch of rain thus far- Idabel with 1.27 inches, Newport with 1.19, Durant at 1.02 and Pauls Valley with 1.03 inches of the wet stuff.

The forecasts show a cold, windy, wet kind of a day- temps will not get out of the 40s today.

Rainfall totals are not expected to be all that great north of I-40- and since everybody across the state could use a good soaking rain- that is really disappointing.


Dr. Jeff Edwards of OSU updated folks this past Friday- and reminds wheat farmers who are grazing cattle- first hollow stem is upon us.

Dr. Edwards writes "The First Hollow Stem Advisor on the Oklahoma Mesonet indicates that  early varieties in southern Oklahoma are likely past first hollow stem and that early varieties in central Oklahoma will reach this point within a week."  He adds that scouts have indicated that early planted Gallagher wheat has already reach first hollow stem in Altus.

To read more about this signal to remove cattle from wheat pasture if you intend to harvest that wheat for grain come June- click here.


Tomorrow is sale day for Mike and Annie Switzer of Leedey- as the Spring Bull Sale for the Quartermaster Creek Angus Ranch is set for 12:30 PM at the ranch near Leedey, Oklahoma.

The Switzers have 85 two year old bulls that will sell- and 80 yearling Heifers they will be offering as well.

Click here for our Auction Listing where you can find an online catalog for the sale- if you have the February edition of the Cowman magazine, you can check out their ad on page 43.


Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment,  American Farmers & Ranchers, Stillwater Milling Company, Oklahoma AgCreditthe Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, Pioneer Cellular, Farm Assure and  KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!



We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.   

 Click here to check out WWW.OklahomaFarmReport.Com  



God Bless! You can reach us at the following:  


phone: 405-473-6144





Oklahoma Farm Bureau is Proud to be the Presenting Sponsor of the Ron Hays Daily Farm and Ranch News Email  




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