From:                              Ron Hays <> on behalf of Ron Hays <>

Sent:                               Thursday, March 31, 2016 7:17 AM

To:                                   Arterburn, Pam

Subject:                          Oklahoma's Farm News Update




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Let's Check the Markets!  



Today's First Look:

mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.



Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.



Okla Cash Grain:  

Daily Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture on Wed. 3/30/16.



Futures Wrap:  

Our Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio Oklahoma Network -  analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.


Feeder Cattle Recap:  

The National Daily Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.


Slaughter Cattle Recap: 

The National Daily Slaughter Cattle Summary- as prepared by the USDA.


TCFA Feedlot Recap:  

Finally, here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.





Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!


Ron Hays, Senior Editor and Writer


Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager


Dave Lanning, Markets and Production


Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News

Presented by

Okla Farm Bureau 


Your Update from Ron Hays of RON

    Thursday, March 31, 2016



Howdy Neighbors! 

Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. 

AgHallOfFameFeatured Story:

Dr. Clint Roush Inducted Into the Oklahoma Ag Hall of Fame, Winning the Governor's Outstanding Achievement Award in Agriculture


On Wednesday during Ag Day at the state Capitol, Dr. Clint Roush of Custer County was recognized as the 2016 recipient of the Governor's Outstanding Achievement Award in Agriculture. As the winner of this award, Dr. Roush becomes the 19th member of the Oklahoma Ag Hall of Fame.

Roush's life has been an example of diversified stewardship. The fourth generation farmer and rancher is a steward of the land but he's also served as a steward of farm and ag finance students and as a steward of the ag industry itself, serving as a champion of cooperatives for many years.

Just days ago, as Roush stood up on that ridge near Arapaho, he explained he's not only a steward but that their family - the generations before and those to come - are partners with the land.

"I've often heard that generations of farmers come and go, and it seems like they come and go rather rapidly, but the land endures," Roush said. "Each generation has to make improvements, increase the productivity and maintain the environment so that the next generation can continue to farm."

Click here to read more about his lifetime of service to agriculture- and you can also listen to Dr. Roush as he talked with Sam Knipp of the AFR after the presentation.



Sponsor Spotlight



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AmberBalesAmber Bales is Celebrated as the Ag in the Classroom Teacher of the Year 

Amber Bales, the Ag In The Classroom 2016 Teacher of the Year, was recognized during Ag Day at the state Capitol on Wednesday. She is a 3rd grade teacher at Morrison Elementary school with over 19 years experience.

She looks for ways to share her passion for agriculture with her students and integrate technology and hands-on lessons. She does an ag-related activity or lesson every Friday.

Two of our sponsors, Oklahoma Ag Credit and the Oklahoma Farm Bureau, are also big supporters of Ag in the Classroom- and they presented Amber with checks to cover expenses as she travels this summer to the National Ag in the Classroom Conference.

We talked with Amber after her recognition- and you can hear our visit with her and read more by clicking or tapping here.


SchulzState Senator Mike Schulz Honored by Oklahoma Cotton Council on Ag Day


Several members of the Oklahoma Cotton Council were at the Oklahoma Ag Day celebration on March 30th at the State Capitol- and they had a surprise for Oklahoma State Senator Mike Schulz. The Cotton Council used Ag Day as their backdrop to present a special award to the Oklahoma Senate Majority Leader for all he does for not just the cotton industry, but for all of Oklahoma agriculture.

We talked to Harvey Schroeder of the Oklahoma Cotton Council and Senator Schulz about this award- and you can hear their comments by clicking here.


NobleAgricultural Science Education Institute Comes to Oklahoma This Summer


Noble Academy, Oklahoma State University Agricultural Education program and CareerTech Agricultural Education division are pleased to offer the first Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE) Institute in Oklahoma.

The CASE Principles of Agricultural Science - Plant (ASP) Institute will be June 19-29, 2016 at the Southern Oklahoma Technology Center in Ardmore, Okla. CASE Principles of Agricultural Science - Plant is a foundation-level course for agricultural educators that will teach the form and function of plant systems. CASE Institute students are immersed in inquiry-based exercises filled with activities, projects and problems to teach them plant concepts through laboratory and practical experiences.

There are a total of 12 slots in the Institute reserved for Oklahoma Educators- and scholarships are available to pay for those 12 positions.  To learn more, click here.



Sponsor Spotlight



We are pleased to have American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance Company as a regular sponsor of our daily update. On both the state and national levels, full-time staff members serve as a "watchdog" for family agriculture producers, mutual insurance company members and life company members.

Click here to go to their AFR website to learn more about their efforts to serve rural America!


BeefBuzzPart Three on Antibiotics of Tomorrow- Dr. Margaret Riley Explains Her Passion

In part three of a three part Beef Buzz series with Dr. Margaret Riley of the University of Massachusetts- we continue to look at antibiotic resistance and what is needed to get companies to invest in narrow spectrum antibiotics, which she believes is the future in dealing with antibiotic resistance.

Dr. Riley says in today's Beef Buzz that it is important we pursue narrow spectrum solutions for the specific pathogens that are causing us problems in both animal ag and in human health. "That's my passion- that's why I spend time away from the lab is to make sure that people understand not just that there is a problem, which there is and it's serious, but that there are potential solutions on the horizon if we're smart enough to recognize them." She adds that will take money as this research is costly and the resulting products may not be as big a money earner as the next drug to fight diabetes or something similar.

Click here to go and hear Part Three of our series with Dr. Margaret Rilley- and we have links in today's Beef Buzz back to part one and part two as well.


Want to Have the Latest Energy News Delivered to Your Inbox Daily?


Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click here to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.


PlantingIntentionsPreviewing Planting Intentions Report Due Out This Morning

The Plantings Intentions Report from USDA will be released at 11:00 am Central. Trade average estimate for Corn planted acreage is 89.972 million acres, soybeans 83.057 million acres and wheat 51.702 million acres.

Quarterly stocks trade average estimate: corn 7.801 billion bushel, soybeans 1.556 billion bushel and wheat 1.356 billion bushel.

According to Allendale, "Historical data shows 9 out of the last 15 years corn rallies the day of these reports and soybeans go down 9 out of the last 15 years on the day of these reports."

We will be reviewing the numbers and posting details of what they say and what they mean after the release at 11 AM today.


ThisNThatThis N That- Fire Update, Kansas Relief and  Free Grazing Clinic 


Latest numbers that we have heard is that 98% of the Anderson Creek Fire on the Oklahoma side of the border in Woods County is now contained. 


We remind those that have been impacted will have a chance to meet with FSA officials and more this afternoon at 1 PM in Alva at the Northwest Technology Center.


State FSA Director Terry Peach and others will be there to help answer questions that farmers and ranchers may have about help that is available.




On the Kansas side of the state line- Currently, the Kansas Livestock Association says cash is the best donation while ranchers work to assess the damages. The Livestock Association is also coordinating hay donations as many ranchers affected by the fire may need to feed hay all summer long to their livestock.
The Kansas Farm Bureau organized a meeting Wednesday between groups to find the needs of producers in the area. Kansas Farm Bureau has launched a fire relief website to connect those willing to donate supplies or offer labor.


On April first, the Destiny Ranch Spring Grazing Clinic will be held at the ranch south of Saint Louis, Oklahoma- it is free to the public, lunch will be served beginning at 1130.

During the workshop they will detail their operations, (fence design, paddock layouts, watering, etc) discuss our long term management plan which include cedar tree removal, brush control, erosion mitigation and pasture improvement using primarily stocker livestock, and the first resident cow calf herd.

Here at destiny ranch we purchase stocker cattle in truck size lots and use high intensity grazing management with one acre tract grazing.

More details on our calendar- click here to learn more.


Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment,  American Farmers & Ranchers, Stillwater Milling Company, Oklahoma AgCreditthe Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, Pioneer Cellular, Farm Assure and  KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!



We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.   

 Click here to check out WWW.OklahomaFarmReport.Com  



God Bless! You can reach us at the following:  


phone: 405-473-6144





Oklahoma Farm Bureau is Proud to be the Presenting Sponsor of the Ron Hays Daily Farm and Ranch News Email  




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