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Let's Check the Markets!
Today's First Look:
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Okla Cash Grain:
Futures Wrap:
Feeder Cattle Recap:
Slaughter Cattle Recap:
TCFA Feedlot Recap:
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor
Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager Dave Lanning, Markets and Production Macey Mueller, E-mail and Web Writer
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. |
Featured Story:
Dr. Derrell Peel Separates the Myths and Realities of Cold Storage Beef and Its Market Impact
Each week, Dr. Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist, offers his economic analysis of the beef cattle industry. This analysis is a part of the weekly series known as the "Cow Calf Corner" published electronically by Dr. Peel and Dr. Glenn Selk. This week, Dr. Peel calms the waters regarding rising concerns over the confusion of beef supplies held in cold storage and how this affects markets.
"Considerable ado has been made about large beef cold storage totals for the past year. This has resulted in questions, concerns and confusion among cattle producers and others about the implications of large cold storage holdings. I have gotten numerous questions about 'huge supplies of beef in cold storage that would keep beef markets depressed.' Misunderstanding has been increased by misleading media stories about cold storage. One such recent article by a major news service was entitled 'U.S. Beef Supplies at Highest in Records Dating Back a Century.' The article was referring to the reported October beef cold storage total of 532 million pounds, the largest monthly total since records began in December 1915. However, beef cold storage, which is frozen beef supplies maintained in commercial warehouses for more than 30 days, represents roughly two percent of annual beef production. In other words, 98 percent of beef is marketed as chilled fresh beef and does not pass through cold storage. Record cold storage inventories do not imply record beef supplies. Indeed, beef supplies, as measured by total annual beef production, exceeded the projected 2016 beef production total in 17 of the past 21 years.
"October cold storage represented 2.15 percent of annual beef production (a rolling twelve month total of beef production), fractionally less than the 2.16 percent from one year ago and less than the record monthly level of 2.19 percent in January, 2016. Cold storage inventories typically increase seasonally in the winter and decrease into the middle of the year. Since beef in cold storage is typically held for six to twelve months, a twelve month average of monthly cold storage inventories provides a good measure of cold storage management over time. The twelve month average of cold storage inventories for October was 1.97 percent of annual beef production compared to 2.01 percent at the same time last year. Since 2012, the monthly cold storage pipeline has averaged 1.82 percent of annual beef production and has ranged from 1.61 percent (October and November, 2014) to 2.07 percent (January, 2016). Therefore, cold storage inventories, or more correctly, changes in cold storage inventories from month to month are too small to be a direct beef supply issue except possibly in a few specific markets.
Click here to continue reading Dr. Peel's analysis of current cold storage inventories and the effects on the beef industry.
Sponsor Spotlight
It's great to have one of the premiere businesses in the cattle business partner with us in helping bring you our daily Farm and Ranch News Email- National Livestock Credit Corporation. National Livestock has been around since 1932- and they have worked with livestock producers to help them secure credit and to buy or sell cattle through the National Livestock Commission Company. They also own and operate the Southern Oklahoma Livestock Market in Ada, Superior Livestock, which continues to operate independently and have a major stake in OKC West in El Reno. To learn more about how these folks can help you succeed in the cattle business, click here for their website or call the Oklahoma City office at 1-800-310-0220.
Cotton Harvest Picks Up the Pace While Winter Wheat Planting Winds Down Across the Plains
The latest U.S. Department of Agriculture crop progress report indicates harvested sorghum reached 96 percent, equal to the average. Harvested cotton reached 77 percent, 7 points below the average. Winter wheat conditions are rated 58 percent good to excellent, 32 percent fair, 8 percent poor and 2 percent very poor. Winter wheat emerged reached 92 percent, on par with the average. For the complete USDA Crop Progress report, click here.In the weekly crop progress report from USDA, Oklahoma winter wheat emerged reached 96 percent, unchanged from the previous year. Soybeans harvested reached 85 percent, down 6 points from the previous year and down 3 points from normal. Cotton harvested reached 72 percent, down 2 points from the previous year but unchanged from normal.Click here for the full Oklahoma report.In Texas, winter wheat seeding is starting to wind down in most areas while livestock grazing is underway on early-planted fields. Sorghum harvest was 94 percent complete, 3 points higher than last week and right at normal. Soybeans harvested reached 97 percent, 8 above the previous year and higher than the average by 5. Cotton harvest was at 62 percent, trailing normal by 14 points. Winter wheat planted has reached 93 percent, which is on par with the average. Meanwhile, winter wheat emerged has reached 80 percent, above last year by 2 and below the average by 1 point.Click here for the full Texas report.Crop progress reports in Kansas, show winter wheat condition rated 3 percent very poor, 10 poor, 35 fair, 45 good, and 7 excellent. Winter wheat emerged was 96 percent, near 98 both last year and the five-year average. Cotton harvested was 69 percent, near 67 last year, but behind 74 average.Click here for the full Kansas report.
Sen. James Lankford Releases His 2nd Annual Government Waste Report, "Federal Fumbles"
On Monday, Senator James Lankford released his second annual government waste and solutions report called, "Federal Fumbles: 100 ways the government dropped the ball." The report represents $247 billion in wasteful and inefficient federal spending and regulations, but also includes solutions to each of the examples of government waste."The American people have signaled a bold new direction for Washington with the election of President-elect Donald Trump," said Lankford. "Although the federal debt wasn't a major focus during the presidential campaign, it remains a serious impending crisis that must be addressed. In Fiscal Year 2016 alone, we had a $587 billion deficit and our federal debt is now an outrageous $19.5 trillion. To lower the debt, we need to grow the economy, and we must root out inefficiencies, duplication, and wasteful spending wherever they exist. This 'Federal Fumbles' report provides specific examples of wasteful spending and unnecessary regulations that are not in the taxpayer's best interest."
He points to several USDA related projects as examples of wasteful spending- and uses the Wind Energy Tax Credit as an example of a program that was started for a good reason- but whose time has come as the incentive is no longer justified- at least not at present levels. Lankford released the report during a media conference in Washington, D.C. Click here to access the report and to watch a video of the press conference.
Opportunity Knocks as Growing Pork Supply Allows Industry to Meet Increased Consumer Demand
America's pig farmers will produce a record-breaking number of market hogs this year, resulting in ample supplies of pork hitting grocery stores and restaurants. It is anticipated that this high level of production will continue well into 2017.
"The U.S. economy is growing, and that is good for meat demand," said Len Steiner, a pork industry economist. "Some key indicators of growth include the stock market recently hitting all-time record highs, increasing consumer confidence and an unemployment rate now at 4.9 percent, demonstrating the U.S. economy is at or near full employment."
Steiner added that total meat production continues to increase, moving from 90.9 billion pounds in 2014 with expectations for meat output to exceed 101 billion pounds this year. Not since the mid-1990s has meat production increased so quickly.
"We estimate that 2016 U.S. pork production will set an all-time record just shy of 25 billion pounds, with even more pork expected to be produced in 2017," Steiner said. "The good news is that retailers and foodservice operators feel more secure about the growing meat supply, which can translate into falling meat prices and more promotional activity."
Click here to continue reading about the Pork Checkoff's efforts to help move the large supply of pork through the U.S. market place.
Sponsor Spotlight
For nearly a century, Stillwater Milling Company has been providing ranchers with the highest quality feeds made from the highest quality ingredients. Their full line of A&M Feeds can be delivered to your farm, found at their agri-center stores in Stillwater, Davis, Claremore and Perry or at more than 100 dealers in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Texas. We appreciate Stillwater Milling's long time support of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and we encourage you to click here to learn more about their products and services.
Certified Angus Beef's Success a Testament to the Industry's Commitment to the Consumer
As the Certified Angus Beef (CAB) brand celebrates its historic milestone this year of moving one billion pounds of product, CAB's Kara Lee, production brand manager, talks about their recent successes."It's truly a testament to our licensed partners and food service and retail and international, all across the globe," Lee said, "and also a real testament to the cattle producers across the country who have truly stepped up to the plate, to supply that high-quality beef demand that that billion pounds requires."It takes approximately 80,000 head of qualifying cattle a week to meet that kind of demand, according to Lee. She says that doesn't just happen overnight."The decisions that farmers and ranchers are making today in their cow herd," Lee insists, "are ultimately going to impact the beef that we see coming through the line within the next one to two years."Lee declares that hard work and constantly evolving production methods have enabled cattlemen to produce better quality herds than ever before. They are doing it more efficiently, too, helping to source and supply the demand for high-quality beef. And while quality beef will never be able to compete in terms of price with choice products, she says, strong demand will continue to be driven if consumer expectations are met.Listen to Kara Lee talk about the brand's growing success during the latest Beef Buzz.
Want to Have the Latest Energy News Delivered to Your Inbox Daily?
Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click here to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.
Cotton Growers Encouraged to Attend 2017 Beltwide Cotton Conferences Coming This January
The 2017 Beltwide Cotton Conferences (BWCC), set for January 4-6 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas Hotel in Dallas, can help its attendees improve production, processing and marketing efficiency by providing them with insight into the latest available tools and research findings.
The 2017 BWCC will begin at noon on January 4 with the half-day Cotton Consultants Conference - open to all attendees. That Conference will focus on topics of interest selected by a panel of consultants. Among presentations scheduled thus far are: 1) updates on the status of and educational efforts for the use of auxin herbicides on transgenic cottons by Dow and Monsanto, 2) "The Smartirrigation Cotton App with a National Footprint," a unique irrigation scheduling tool originally limited to Georgia and Florida that now is usable across the entire U.S. Cotton Belt and 3) "Target Spot and Bacterial Blight" that will shed light on cultivar responses to various diseases that affect cotton.
The BWCC cotton technical conferences, which will provide updates on research and a look into the technology pipeline, will meet concurrently beginning on the morning of January 5 and conclude by noon on January 6.
Among the useful information that can be gleaned from those sessions will be entomologists' updates on the latest research with regard to several classes of insecticides and reports on successful weed management strategies. For example, the Weed Science Research Conference will include a presentation on achieving crop safety and weed control using varieties resistant to auxin herbicides.
Those planning to attend the concurrent conferences are urged to register and make their hotel reservations now. Click here for a link to more information regarding those arrangements.
Giving Tuesday- Some Ideas on Where to Invest in Ag and Rural America
We all have our favorites when it comes to programs and organizations that we choose to support. Since today is #GivingTuesday, I thought I would share with you a few of the places where I have invested my charitable money over the years. I do let most of my "giving" go to my local church- but beyond that, I usually start with the Oklahoma Ag Leadership Program. OALP is now up to its 18th Class. I am a graduate of Class I of this tremendous program- and have been fortunate to be able to be a part of the OALP Advisory Committee for many of the years since I was a participate. You can give either to the ongoing support for OALP- or they have a Professorship thru OSU that can be given to- and those monies will be parked and will be used to generate income for the program from now on. You can call the OSU Foundation and give to OALP- the number is 800-622-4678. Specify the Oklahoma Agricultural Leadership Fund (21-35700). If you are an alum of OALP- your donation will be matched by a grant from the Noble Foundation. I also have supported for a lot of years the Oklahoma FFA Foundation- the Foundation has been built up tremendously by leadership of Kendall Brashears, the Executive Director of the Foundation. The Mission Statement of the Foundation says " The Oklahoma FFA Foundation seeks to strengthen Agricultural Education and the FFA so students can develop their potential for personal growth, career success, and leadership." Click here to learn more about the Oklahoma FFA Foundation- including how to give. We don't want to forget 4-H folks- the Oklahoma 4-H Foundation has grown its resource base tremendously in recent years- and under the direction of their new Executive Director, Blayne Arthur, is working hard to offer significant funds to a variety of 4-H leadership endeavors. The Vision of the Foundation, as detailed on their website, says that " THE OKLAHOMA 4-H Foundation is an integral partner of 4-H serving as a catalyst in a unified effort to create partnerships, acquire resources, and focus collective energies for the betterment of Oklahoma youth." Click here for their website- and they have details there to help you get started in making a #GivingTuesday contribution to Oklahoma 4-H. There are a variety of other ag related groups and Foundations that will gladly accept your support- one other that caught my eye comes from long time friend Kay Johnson Smith of the Animal Ag Alliance. She writes in an email this morning " Here at the Animal Agriculture Alliance we are working to protect this way of life and our nation's food supply by working to bridge the communication gap between farm and fork.
"The Alliance has had tremendous success throughout 2016 and I hope you'll support us so we can do even more in 2017. If you make a personal donation today, your contribution will be matched by Cooper Farms, so your donation will have twice the impact." If you want to donate to this group that has challenged HSUS and other anti animal ag groups, the link to do is here.
God Bless! You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144