From:                              Ron Hays <> on behalf of Ron Hays <>

Sent:                               Thursday, June 02, 2016 5:31 AM

To:                                   Pam Arterburn

Subject:                          Oklahoma's Farm News Update




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Let's Check the Markets!  



Today's First Look:

mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.



Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futuresclick or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.



Okla Cash Grain:  

Daily Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture from Wednesday June 1, 2016.



Futures Wrap:  

Our Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio Oklahoma Network - analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.


Feeder Cattle Recap:  

The National Daily Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.


Slaughter Cattle Recap: 

The National Daily Slaughter Cattle Summary- as prepared by the USDA.


TCFA Feedlot Recap:  

Finally, here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.





Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!


Ron Hays, Senior Editor and Writer


Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager


Dave Lanning, Markets and Production


Macey Mueller, Email and Web Editor


Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News

Presented by

Okla Farm Bureau 


Your Update from Ron Hays of RON

    Thursday, June 2, 2016



Howdy Neighbors! 

Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. 

SQ777Featured Story:

Will Right to Farm be the Highest Profile State Question This Fall? 



We still have more than five months before Election Day- and things have already heated up in regards to the arguments pro and con on State Question 777, what was called Right to Farm as it was proposed by state lawmakers in 2015- and passed by the Legislature last year to be placed on the November 2016 ballot.  


The language that has been submitted by the Attorney General to be voted on this November is fairly simple- and to remind you and I what SQ777 actually says- here it is:


This measure adds Section 38 to Article II of the Oklahoma Constitution.


This new Section creates state constitutional rights. It creates the following guaranteed rights to engage in farming and ranching:


- The right to make use of agricultural technology,

- The right to make use of livestock procedures, and - The right to make use of ranching practices.


These constitutional rights receive extra protection under this measure that not all constitutional rights receive. This extra protection is a limit on lawmakers' ability to interfere with the exercise of these rights. Under this extra protection, no law can interfere with these rights, unless the law is justified by a compelling state interest - a clearly identified state interest of the highest order. Additionally, the law must be necessary to serve that compelling state interest.


The measure - and the protections identified above - do not apply to and do not impact state laws related to:


- Trespass,
- Eminent domain,
- Dominance of mineral interests,
- Easements,
- Right of way or other property rights, and
- Any state statutes and political subdivision ordinances enacted before December 31, 2014.




In addition- to help clarify one area that has been a point of contention- the state legislature this past session approved a measure that declares Water Issues a compelling state interest, which means that lawmakers are establishing any water related issue that might impact farming and ranching won't be affected by this amendment to the state constitution- if approved by the voters this fall. 

Early polling over the last year by proponents has shown a substantial majority of Oklahoma voters would tend to vote in favor of this State Question- but there will likely be well over a million dollars spent by opponents of State Question 777 that will try to persuade them otherwise.  

Proponents have a website and so does the opposition- and it's amazing to me how many media stories have already been generated about this State Question so far ahead of the election. 

Part of that has been the proactive nature of those who support SQ777- for example- click here to read a story from last week's Edmond Sun that features comments from Tom Buchanan, President of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau that came from a presentation that Tom made to an Edmond civic club.  Buchanan pushes back against those who claim the State Question will empower corporate farming interests to take over the state's farming and ranching- and he also refutes those who claim that this measure will give farmers any right to hurt the environment. The article also quotes State Rep Scott Biggs as well as former Attorney General Drew Edmonson- Biggs advocating for and Edmonson advocating against 777.

In the case of TV- News9 has already done multiple news stories on the State Question already- and their latest story on 777 features concerns raised by the Executive Director of an Anti 777 group, Mickey Thompson, over water and the environment- and has Roy Lee Lindsay of the Pork Council responding on the worries about water- "This has absolutely nothing to do with ownership of water or sale of water or any of the rest of it. So anyone that's reading that into the question is looking for a boogeyman that doesn't exist." 


Back to my question in the title of this story- there is one thing for certain- with the war chest that the opposition is planning to spend- think seven figures- and the response by supporters of 777 that will also be a considerable sum- we will all be hearing two dramatically different points of view on 777 between now and early November.


Come November- a voter with no farm connection will likely make his or her choice on 777 by which bullet points have resonated with them.




Sponsor Spotlight



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GMCropsGM Crops Help Ensure Global Food Security Through Higher Crop Yields


Farmers around the world who use seeds improved with biotechnology continue to benefit economically while improving the environmental sustainability of their farming operations according to an updated global impacts study.

The economic benefits for farmers who use genetically modified (GM) seeds amounted to an average of more than $100/hectare in 2014, according to the report "GM Crops: Global Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts 1996-2014" released today by PG Economics.

"Where farmers have been given the choice of growing GM crops, the economic benefits realized are clear and amounted to an average of over $100/hectare in 2014," said Graham Brookes, director of PG Economics, co-author of the report. "Two-thirds of these benefits derive from higher yields and extra production, with farmers in developing countries seeing the highest gains. The environment is also benefiting as farmers increasingly adopt conservation tillage practices, build their weed management practices around more benign herbicides and replace insecticide use with insect resistant GM crops." 


Click here to read more about this latest research on the impact of GM crops.


TomColeTom Cole Says- NOT a Do Nothing Congress



It is easy to point an accusing finger at the US Congress and say they have accomplished little if anything over the last couple of years- but Oklahoma Congressman Tom Cole contends that is not correct or fair to say. 


The Republican who is part of the GOP Leadership in the US House told Sam Knipp with the American Farmers and Ranchers that there is a whole list of significant pieces of legislation that the current Congress has tackled and completed, including the "first multi year Highway Bill since 2005, first overhaul of K thru 12 education since 2002, major legislation that changes how the Veterans Administration operates, trying to make it more responsive to the individual veteran, big time change in real cyber security legislation, human trafficing legislation and veterans' suicide legislation."  

Congressman Cole also mentioned the changes in the tax code that farmers cheered at the end of 2015 that made permanent Section 179 deductions for farmers and small business. 


Read more- and listen to the conversation that Congressman Cole had with Sam Knipp by clicking here.


GlobalBeefGlobal Roundtable for Sustainable Beef Looks for Continuous Improvement in Beef Sustainability with New 5 Year Plan


A five-year strategic plan was approved by a unanimous vote from the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef Board of Directors at the GRSB Semi-Annual Board Meeting in Chicago, Illinois last month. The Strategic Plan for 2016 - 2021 was developed to ensure the success of the organization, providing a framework for prioritizing goals and objectives that will guide the work of the GRSB, its members, board and staff, in meeting various challenges and opportunities ahead. 


Beef industry leaders that are a part of the Global Roundtable zeroed in on the need to measure improvements in beef sustainability- and then find ways to share that information with the industry and the general public to paint a positive picture of raising beef.

Click here to read more about this five year plan from the GRSB. You may remember that the first chairman of the Global Roundtable was Cameron Bruett of JBS- who we featured in a series of Beef Buzz shows last week after we visited with him earlier this spring at the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Convention in Ft. Worth.

You can go back and here his comments as we reported them from the Beef Buzz by clicking on the following links:

Cameron Bruett Beef Buzz Part One

Cameron Bruett Beef Buzz Part Two


Cameron Bruett Beef Buzz Part Three



Sponsor Spotlight



We are pleased to have American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance Company as a regular sponsor of our daily update. On both the state and national levels, full-time staff members serve as a "watchdog" for family agriculture producers, mutual insurance company members and life company members.

Click here to go to their AFR website to learn more about their efforts to serve rural America!



OWCCherokee Wheat Farmer Kenneth Failes Reappointed as Board Member of the Oklahoma Wheat Commission


Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture, Jim Reese, has re-appointed

Kenneth Failes to a five-year term on the Oklahoma Wheat Commission Board. Failes, a wheat producer from Cherokee, will represent District I, which includes Alfalfa, Garfield, Grant and Major counties. He was nominated by fellow wheat producers in May for consideration by Secretary Reese.

"We are excited that Kenneth Failes has been re-appointed to the Oklahoma Wheat Commission board," said Mike Schulte, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Wheat Commission. "His knowledge and experience with wheat production as a farmer and active roles held with the OWC Board and U.S. Wheat Associates Board will continue to make him a valuable leader for the wheat industry on both state and national levels."



Click here to read more about the Failes appointment, who has been serving as the Chairman of the Wheat Commission this year.


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Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click here to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.


RileyDr. Margaret Riley on the Reality of Antimicrobials- When Antibiotics are Used, Resistance is Being Selected


The message about antimicrobials that I picked up from

Dr. Margaret Riley earlier this year is so important- I wanted to share it with you in a special "Best of" edition of the Beef Buzz.


Earlier this year at the 2016 Bayer Agvocacy gathering in New Orleans, I caught up with one of the leading experts in the world of antibiotic resistance in Dr. Margaret Riley. After receiving her Ph.D. at Harvard University in 1991, Dr. Riley joined the faculty at Yale University, where she remained for 15 years while developing an internationally renowned research program in antimicrobial drug discovery. Today, she is a Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Massachusetts- Amherst.


Dr. Riley says "the reason that antibiotic resistance is increasing is because whenever...whoever uses antibiotics are selecting for resistance. Now the resistance already exists in nature- it's been around for billions of years. As we consume tons of antibiotics in agriculure, in human health, in aquaculture- we are selecting for those resistant strains and they're not going to disappear."

She told me that we have to acknowledge that reality and then "figure out where to go from here."


Click here to read more and to listen to her comments in part one of our conversation that we are featuring on the Beef Buzz.


ThisNThatThis N That: Superior Sale on Friday, Peanut Butter Game and New CEO of the Pork Board



Coming up on Friday is your next Superior Video Livestock Auction- the sale will start at 8:00 AM central time and will be featuring right at 15,000 head- including 


950 Holsteins

2,900 Yearling Steers

1,800 Yearling Heifers

3,500 Weaned Calves

5,300 Calves on Cows

250 Bred Stock



For details- click here to jump to the Superior Website or give them a call at 1-800-422-2117.




The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture and the National Peanut Board, along with state peanut producer and industry organizations, have launched a new My American Farm game geared for students in grades 3-5. Playing the Operation Peanut Butter game online allows students to follow peanuts from the field to the peanut butter on their sandwiches. 


Click here to read more about this newest game that is designed to capture the attention of young consumers with an accurate yet fun message about how their food is produced- and help students polish their math, science and social science skills.


The National Pork Board has a new CEO. Bill Even will join the National Pork Board as its new Chief Executive Officer on June 6, 2016. Currently based in South Dakota, Even is Global Industry Relations Lead with DuPont Pioneer.   

"As a fourth-generation farmer, I have deep, personal knowledge of the challenges facing today's pork producers and I am impressed with and completely support the Pork Checkoff's strategic plan that guides and directs its programs," said Even. "I look forward to working on behalf of America's more than 60,000 pig farmers to build consumer trust, drive sustainable production and grow consumer demand for pork."  


You can read more about Even by clicking here.  He joins the Pork Board in time to be a part of the World Pork Expo related events in Des Moines.



Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment,  American Farmers & Ranchers, Stillwater Milling Company, Oklahoma AgCreditthe Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, Pioneer Cellular, Farm Assure and  KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!



We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.   

 Click here to check out WWW.OklahomaFarmReport.Com  



God Bless! You can reach us at the following:  


phone: 405-473-6144





Oklahoma Farm Bureau is Proud to be the Presenting Sponsor of the Ron Hays Daily Farm and Ranch News Email  




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