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Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays,
Senior Editor and Writer
Pam Arterburn,
Calendar and Template Manager
Dave Lanning,
Markets and Production
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Presented by
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news
to Get the Fork Out- Wheat Harvest is About Done in Oklahoma- Wheat
Commission Calls it 85% or More Complete
The latest Oklahoma Wheat Commission harvest report was released
yesterday evening, several hours after the USDA Crop Progress numbers
had once again shown a very conservative harvest complete number for
the state. The USDA number is 55% complete- and after that
number was released- one of our friends on Twitter called out that
number as woefully short- saying "If 45% of the crop is still in
the field, where is it going to go? Storage bins are full with
many piles on the ground."
The Wheat Commission is agreeing with that sentiment, as they report
that we are now at 85%
or more complete with the 2016 Oklahoma Wheat Harvest-
adding "In most parts of the state areas were reporting to be 90
to 95% complete with the exception of the Oklahoma Panhandle and parts
of Southwest and South Central Oklahoma."
The monsoon like rains in southwestern Oklahoma have caused a lot of
stress- Mike
Schulte writes "Harvest was hindered once again
in parts of Southwest Oklahoma with heavy rains around the Hollis and
Mangum area on Friday evening. Some areas in that region received
over 4 inches of moisture. Some producers in this region have really
had to struggle to fight getting the crop out. As soon as it is dry
enough to harvest the rains seem to come again. Test weights in all
regions for the most part seem to be holding up on what was reported
late in the week last week. Some sprout damage has been reported on
lower lying fields with water problems and flooding in Southwest and
South Central Oklahoma. In some of those areas the crop will most
likely be a complete loss. Overall statewide test weight and quality
seems to be very favorable for the most part."
He has a very detailed region by region breakdown of harvest and has
percent complete numbers for a number of communities- click
or tap here to see the complete report.
Sponsor Spotlight
The presenting
sponsor of our daily email is the Oklahoma Farm Bureau - a
grassroots organization that has for its Mission Statement- Improving
the Lives of Rural Oklahomans." Farm Bureau, as the
state's largest general farm organization, is active at the State
Capitol fighting for the best interests of its members and working
with other groups to make certain that the interests of rural
Oklahoma are protected.
Click here for their
website to learn more about the organization and how it can benefit
you to be a part of Farm Bureau.
remember that the Oklahoma Farm Bureau
is hosting a informal and fun get together on June 30th to talk about
the benefits of State Question 777 for Oklahoma's farmers and
ranchers- it's called "Get on Tap with 777" and it will be
happening at the TapWerks Ale House in Bricktown in Oklahoma
City. Details
are on the Farm Bureau Facebook page.
Progress: Wheat Harvest and Row Crops Looking Good Across the Country
latest U.S. Department of Agriculture crop progress report rates 15
percent of the national corn crop in excellent condition, 60 percent
in good condition, 21 percent fair and only 4 percent percent poor to
very poor. National soybean conditions include 12 percent excellent,
61 percent good, 22 percent fair and 5 percent poor to very poor. The
national grain sorghum is 8 percent excellent, 62 percent good, 27
percent fair and 3 percent poor. National cotton conditions include 9
percent excellent, 45 percent good, 38 percent fair and 8 percent
poor to very poor. For the complete USDA Crop Progress report, click here.
In the weekly crop progress report from USDA, Oklahoma
winter wheat harvested reached 55 percent, up 3 points from the
previous year but down 14 points from normal. The Oklahoma wheat crop
condition rated 54 percent good and 12 percent excellent condition,
29 percent fair and only 5 percent percent poor to very poor. Canola
harvested reached 70 percent, down 2 points from the previous year
and down 10 points from normal. Corn silk reached 12 percent, up 8
points from the previous year but down 2 points from normal. Sorghum
planted reached 79 percent, up 8 points from the previous year and up
3 points from normal. Soybeans planted reached 71 percent, up 10
points from the previous year and up 1 point from normal. Soybeans
emerged reached 50 percent, unchanged from the previous year but down
5 points from normal. Click
here for the full Oklahoma report.
winter wheat harvest was in full swing across most of the state.
Harvest was temporarily halted in some locations due to rain and wet
fields. Fifty-five percent of the state's winter wheat has been
harvested. That's a 20-point gain over last week and just 4 points
behind the five-year average. Forty-three percent of the wheat crop
is rated in the good to excellent condition, with 45 percent of the
crop in fair condition and 12 percent in poor to very poor condition.
Corn silking was at 41 percent, which is 14 percent lower than the
five-year average. Sorghum was 90 percent planted, soybeans were 89
percent and cotton was 94 percent done. Click
here for the full Texas report.
The Kansas
winter wheat condition rated 1 percent very poor, 7 poor, 30 fair, 50
good, and 12 excellent. Winter wheat coloring was 98 percent, ahead
of 89 last year and the five-year average of 91. Harvested was 25
percent, ahead of 6 last year, but near 27 average.Corn condition
rated 1 percent very poor, 4 poor, 26 fair, 61 good, and 8 excellent,
and silking was 6 percent, ahead of 1 last year, but near 5 percent
average. Soybean condition rated 1 percent very poor, 3 poor, 31
fair, 61 good, and 4 excellent. Soybeans planted was 89 percent, well
ahead of 68 last year, but near 86 average. Emerged was 70 percent,
well ahead of 44 last year, but near 72 average. Sorghum condition
rated 0 percent very poor. Click
here for the Kansas report.
Darrell Peel Summarizes
Dairy Industry's Impact on the Beef Market over Last 20 Years
On a weekly basis, Dr. Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University
Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist, offers his economic
analysis of the beef cattle industry. This analysis is a part of the
weekly series known as the "Cow Calf Corner" published
electronically by Dr. Peel and Dr.
Glenn Selk. This week, Dr. Peel explains
the impact of the dairy industry on the beef markets over
the last 20 years.
"Beef is a by-product of the dairy industry and
rarely has a major influence on dairy industry production decisions.
However, dairy animals contribute a significant portion of total
animal slaughter and beef supply. The impact of dairy on beef markets
varies over time depending on long term trends and short term market
conditions in both beef and dairy markets. This article summarizes
the dairy industry's impact on beef production in the 20 years since
"The dairy cow herd has been relatively stable
over the last 20 years varying less than 4 percent from 9.0 to 9.3
million head. By contrast the beef cow herd has varied by over 18
percent from 29.0 to 34.5 million head over the same period. Dairy
cows as a percent of all cows have averaged 22.3 percent but have
been at a record high of 24 percent in 2014 and 2015 as a result of
low beef cow inventories.
"The nature of dairy production means that basic
herd dynamics are very different for dairy compared to beef. Dairy
cows are culled more quickly so dairy herd turnover rates are much
faster. Dairy cow slaughter averages 30 percent of the January 1
inventory of dairy cows each year compared to less than 10 percent
for beef cows. On average the number of dairy replacements held each
year is about 47 percent of the cow inventory. This represents about
48 percent of the estimated dairy calf crop and is nearly all the
heifers born to dairy cows. This compares to beef herds where
replacements heifers are roughly 18 percent of the cow
inventory. About 64 percent of replacement dairy
heifers enter the herd, which implies that overall about 30 percent
of the estimated dairy calf crop is used for breeding. For beef herds,
an average of 10 percent of the estimated beef calf crop is used for
breeding females.
here to read Dr. Peel's complete cattle industry analysis.
Mike Conaway Says
Stabenow Ideas on GMO Labeling Harmful to Poor Consumers
The Chairman of the House Ag Committee, Texas lawmaker Mike Conaway,
is not impressed with the last minute efforts of the Senate Ag
Committee leadership regarding a bill that would establish a
mandatory GMO labeling plan in the US while preempting state laws
like the one in Vermont that is set to go into effect July first, if
nothing is done in Washington by Congress before then.
Conaway was speaking yesterday to the opening of the Reciprocal Meat
Conference at Angelo State in San Angelo, Texas- his own backyard.
He calls the GMO Labeling issue an informational issue- not a food
safety issue- and an issue that pits the haves versus the have nots.
According to Meatinplace, Conaway advocates the House plan for GMO
labeling which is a "nationwide voluntary program "that
gets the right blend to what consumers want to know about without
affecting price." The focus all along should be on what he said
are the bottom 20 percent of the population, who spend upwards of
one-third of their income on food. "I'm worried about those
folks at bottom of food chain. That's about 80 bucks a month.
[Mandatory GMO labeling is] not improving the quality of the food,
not improving quantity of their food."
Meatingplace says that he added that Sen. Debbie Stabenow
(D-Mich.), who plans to propose a GMO labeling bill, is "trying
to rope-a-dope us" into shepherding a GMO labeling law through
both houses of Congress and get the president to sign it to preempt
Vermont's law.
On the Senate side- Senate Ag Committee Chair Pat Roberts
says they continue to work on a compromise that can pass the Senate
yet this week- no while smoke rising from the Senate Side of Capitol
Hill as of yet, tho.
We are happy to
have the Oklahoma
Cattlemen's Association as a part of our great lineup
of email sponsors. They do a tremendous job of representing cattle
producers at the state capitol as well as in our nation's capitol.
They seek to educate OCA members on the latest production techniques
for maximum profitability and to communicate with the public on
issues of importance to the beef industry. Click here for
their website to learn more about the OCA.
Dr. L D Barker Says
Veterinary Feed Directive Should Have Positive Impact on
Livestock producers who use medications in feed to
prevent and treat certain disease conditions will soon be required to
work with their veterinarian to create a protocol for those
supplements. The USDA mandated veterinary feed directive (VFD) goes
into effect January 1, 2017 and Newcastle veterinarian Dr. L D Barker
says it will ultimately benefit a producer's bottom line.
"I think this mandate kind of brings around a method that we can
work together for their economic advantage as well, and our job is to
enhance health and reduce costs," he says. "That's our
whole goal as veterinarians is to reach out and do that."
The first step, Barker says, is developing a relationship between the
rancher and veterinarian.
"We need to know about their operation, whether it's at the
clinic or at their site or their facility," he says. "We've
got to know that and have the ability to go there and understand
their whole program - their ins and outs of it - and what's happening
there to really help them."
Barker says livestock nutritionists also play a vital role in herd
health and profitability.
"If we sit there and we've got a producer, a veterinarian and
nutritionist, we've got a three-legged stool and that thing will
balance," he says. "But if you kick a leg out from under
it, it's not going to work and we're going to have problems and it's
going to cost us dearly."
to Dr. Barker talk more about the veterinary feed directive during
the latest Beef Buzz.
to Have the Latest Energy News Delivered to Your Inbox Daily?
Award winning
broadcast journalist Jerry
Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how
to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click here to
subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.
Scientists Named to
Participate in the Healthy Hive 2020 Initiative
Project Apis m. announced Monday the names of
scientists and research projects seeking to answer key questions
around bee health to receive funding as part of the Healthy Hives
2020 initiative. Healthy Hives 2020 is an initiative of the Bayer Bee
Care Program and administered by Project Apis m. with the goal of
improving the health of honey bee colonies in the United States by
the year 2020.
Projects funded cover critical bee health topics such as bee
nutrition, Varroa and disease management, and enhanced management
techniques through smart-hive technology. The recipients were
selected from a total of 23 research proposals seeking to provide
practical and tangible solutions to the key issues affecting the U.S.
beekeeping industry. More projects will be funded as the Healthy
Hives initiative moves forward.
"Project Apis m. is dedicated to honey bee health and we are so
excited about this initial round of grant recipients," said Danielle Downey,
the director of operations for Project Apis m. and Healthy Hives 2020
program manager. "Today's beekeepers are faced with a broad range
of issues and are in urgent need of practical solutions to improve
the health of their hives. We believe these projects will be critical
to helping us enhance the vitality of honey bee colonies, while also
improving crop productivity."
In February 2016, Healthy Hives 2020 issued a call for research
proposals to address priority areas established by the program. The
Healthy Hives 2020 Steering Committee reviewed the nearly two dozen
proposals received and selected the seven research projects based on their
direct correlation to the objectives set forth by the advisory
here to read more about each of the funded projects.
Wholesale Boxed Beef
Prices Slip After Fathers Day- Ed Czerwein Explains
Father's Day is traditionally an excellent weekend for beef- as lots
of Dad's end up either grilling or else standing in line at places
like Texas Road House to enjoy a steak.
Ed Czerwein
of the USDA Market News Office in Amarillo says that the wholesale
boxed beef trade reflected the final push of beef for Father's Day
earlier this past week- and then headed down. He writes in his
latest weekly boxed beef report "The daily spot Choice box beef
cutout ended the week last Fri at $221.83 which was $5.84 lower
compared to previous Friday. Monday and Tuesday prices were very good
and topped out above $228 on Tuesday then fell down due primarily to
the fact that Father's day products were already delivered."
Read his full report- and listen to his commentary on where we are
with the beef pipeline right now by clicking
thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment,
American Farmers
& Ranchers, Stillwater Milling Company, Oklahoma AgCredit, the Oklahoma Cattlemens
Association, Pioneer Cellular,
and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For
your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just
click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out
and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily
email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox
on a regular basis- at NO Charge!
also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check
out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news
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Oklahoma Farm Bureau is Proud to be the
Presenting Sponsor of the Ron Hays Daily Farm and Ranch News Email