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Check the Markets!
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where
the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's
markets as analyzed by Justin
Lewis of KIS futures- click
here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.
Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays,
Senior Editor and Writer
Pam Arterburn,
Calendar and Template Manager
Dave Lanning,
Markets and Production
Mueller, Web and E-mail Editor
Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News
Presented by
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON
Howdy Neighbors!
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news
Featured Story:
National Row Crops Look Good as Wheat Harvest
Nears Completion Across the Southern Plains
The latest U.S. Department of Agriculture crop
progress report rates 16 percent of the national corn crop in
excellent condition, 59 percent in good condition, 20 percent fair
and 5 percent percent poor to very poor. National soybean conditions
include 13 percent excellent, 57 percent good, 23 percent fair and 7
percent poor to very poor. The national grain sorghum is 9 percent
excellent, 60 percent good, 28 percent fair and 3 percent poor.
National cotton conditions include 10 percent excellent, 46 percent
good, 36 percent fair and 8 percent poor to very poor.
For the complete USDA Crop Progress report, click here.
In the weekly crop progress report from USDA, Oklahoma winter
wheat harvest is nearly complete, reaching 96 percent this past week.
The Oklahoma wheat crop condition rated 55 percent good and 12
percent excellent condition, 28 percent fair and only 5 percent
percent poor to very poor. Canola harvested is also nearing an end at
92 percent complete. Corn silk reached 48 percent, up 19 points from
the previous year. Sorghum planted reached 96 percent, up 7 points
from the previous year and up 4 points from normal. Sorghum headed
reached 15 percent, up 9 points from the previous year and up 7
points from normal. Soybeans emerged reached 79 percent, up 10 points
from the previous year and up 1 point from normal. Soybeans blooming
reached 4 percent, up 3 points from the previous year but unchanged
from normal.
here for the full Oklahoma report.
winter wheat harvest has also neared completion throughout the state,
up to 95 percent, which is 7 points higher than the five-year
average. Forty-three percent of the wheat crop is rated in the good
to excellent condition, with 43 percent of the crop in fair condition
and 14 percent in poor to very poor condition. Row crops continued to
make progress statewide. Corn was at the denting stage, reaching 37
percent last week. That's 17 points higher than this time last year.
Sorghum progressed well and reached the coloring stage in areas of
South Texas. Across the state, it was 60 percent headed, which is
right on par for the five-year average. Soybeans were 45 percent
bloomed, and cotton was at the squaring stage, reaching 45 percent.
here for the full Texas report.
winter wheat harvest is still underway at 79 percent complete, ahead
of 70 last year and near the five-year average of 76. Winter wheat
condition rated 16 excellent, 48 good, 28 fair, 7 poor and 1 percent
very poor. Corn condition rated 9 percent excellent, 58 good, 25 fair
and 8 poor to very poor. Corn silking was 34 percent, ahead of 24
both last year and average. Soybean condition rated 4 percent
excellent, 56 good, 32 fair, 6 poor and 2 very poor. Soybeans emerged
was 92 percent, ahead of 80 last year, and near 91 average. Blooming
was 8 percent, near 4 last year and 9 average. Sorghum condition
rated 5 percent excellent, 70 good, 23 fair and 2 poor. Sorghum
planted was 97 percent, near 96 last year, and equal to average.
Headed was 10 percent, ahead of 0 last year and 1 average
here for the Kansas report.
Sponsor Spotlight
AgCredit serves rural Oklahoma communities
and agriculture with loans and financial services. Providing loans
for rural property, farm and ranch land, country homes, livestock,
equipment and operating costs is all we do.
We are the state's
largest agricultural lending cooperative, serving 60 Oklahoma
Counties. To learn more about Oklahoma AgCredit, click here for our
website or call 866-245-3633.
State FSA Director Terry
Peach- Submit Your Common Acreage Information Just Once
The following op-ed is written by the new Executive
Director of the Oklahoma Farm Service Agency of the USDA, Terry Peach.
Peach is back as the top FSA employee in Oklahoma for the second
time, after serving in that role during the Clinton Presidency. Peach
has also served in the past as the State Secretary of Agriculture for
"The U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) requires
farmers and ranchers participating in our programs to submit an
annual report on all cropland use on their farms. Crop insurance
agents for providers approved by the USDA Risk Management Agency
(RMA) also require these reports to ensure accuracy with your premiums
and when you file claims.
"Yet for years,
farmers and ranchers have entered the same basic common information
from their acreage reports at these two different places.
"No longer.
Now, farmers and ranchers can provide the common information from
their acreage reports just once - - either to FSA or to their crop
insurance agent - - and that common information will be securely and
electronically shared with the other.
This new process is
part of USDA's Acreage Crop Reporting Streamlining Initiative (ACRSI),
an interagency collaboration to streamline the collection of common
information to better serve our customers.
"Over the past
seven years, USDA implemented new ways to help farmers and ranchers
conduct business with us more efficiently and effectively. Instead of
farmers and ranchers juggling 54 acreage reporting dates for RMA that
covered 122 crops, or 17 acreage reporting dates for FSA covering 273
crops, USDA established 15 common acreage reporting dates. These
improvements, coupled with filing your common acreage report
information in just one place, will not only save you time, but
increase the accuracy in your crop reporting data.
Read Peach's full article here.
Shows Vermont GMO Labeling Mandate Misleads Consumers
A recent online survey of 1,665 online primary shoppers examined
consumer understanding of five common on-pack food labels, and found
that on-pack labeling of genetically modified ingredients (GMOs)
strongly misleads consumers. The American Soybean Association (ASA)
points to the data as evidence of the potential impact of the
approach in Vermont, which is now five days in to the implementation
of its labeling law.
When consumers were asked about the GMO label statements mandated by
the Vermont law, the survey showed that on-pack labeling misled
substantial percentages of consumers to wrongly perceive the labeled
product as less safe, less healthful, less nutritious, and worse for
the environment. The Vermont label requirements are so disparaging to
consumer perceptions of products that approximately 73% of consumers
indicated they would be less likely to buy foods bearing one of the
required on-pack GMO label disclosures.
The Vermont on-pack GMO disclosure requirements are powerfully
disparaging. The Vermont mandated GMO label statement caused
approximately --
- 36% of consumers to incorrectly perceive the food to be "less
- 28% of consumers to incorrectly perceive the food to be "less
- 22% of consumers to incorrectly perceive the food to be "less
- 20% of consumers to incorrectly perceive the food to be "worse
for the environment."
- 73% of consumers to be less likely to buy the food.
or tap here to read more of the conclusions from this survey- and
in our story- we have a link to the complete research that was done
in June of this year.
As the GMOs Turn- Cloture
Vote This Afternoon in the Senate- and Vermont Consumers Lose Their
Cherry Pepsi
are just hours away from the Senate Cloture vote scheduled for 2:00
PM central time vote- which will determine whether the Senate can
vote on the Roberts-Stabenow GMO Labeling Bill Compromise. If the
sixty vote threshold is achieved- it is expected that a vote for
final passage of the proposal will follow quickly.
As they prepare to vote- Senators will have some new
information to consider, which is a U.S. Department of Agriculture
assessment that responds to detractors arguments against the bill.
Last week, the Food and Drug Administration released a report, at
lawmakers' request, that found the bill is full of loopholes. Senator Debbie Stabenow
asked USDA to respond to the FDA report. USDA sent a letter on Friday
that says it will follow the spirit of the law in crafting the rules
and will require labeling for all GMO ingredients.
the state law that has caused all of the ruckus is now the law of the
land- at least if you live in Vermont. And- if you are a consumer in
Vermont, you have seen your grocery store changes suddenly be reduced
by as many as 3,000 items.
While the Attorney General in Vermont has promised to look the other
way for six months before having the food police come and ticket
offenders- several companies seen to be wanting to make a point and
let consumers know that there will be products that will not be sold
in Vermont as long as they have a unique and costly label
in Vermont reports that retailers across the state got word that
some manufacturers would stop sending more than 3,000 products to the
state. Some of the more easily recognized products include Pepsi Wild
Cherry to whole wheat hot dog buns. Coca-Cola was one of the first
major manufacturers to announce they were pulling some products from
the state.
Oklahoma Genetics
is proud to represent the tremendous wheat varieties that have been
developed by the Wheat Improvement Team at Oklahoma State
University. Varieties like Iba, Gallagher and now Bentley are
the result of years of breeding research designed to help wheat
producers in the southern plains to grow high yielding, high quality
winter wheat.
To learn more about each of the varieties OGI
represents, click here for their website.
You will find a "Seed Source" with a list of where seed for
each variety can be purchased for the 2017 wheat planting season.
AFBF President Zippy
Duvall Commends House Republicans on Tax Reform Blueprint
Zippy Duvall,
President of the American Farm Bureau Federation, released the
following statement Tuesday in reference to the House Republican Tax
Reform Blueprint.
"Farmers and
ranchers need a tax code that recognizes the unique financial
challenges we face. Running a farm or ranch business is challenging
under the best of circumstances as we meet with whatever the markets
and Mother Nature send our way. But the tax code shouldn't be as
unpredictable as the weather.
"Speaker Ryan,
Chairman Brady and House Republicans are to be commended for
developing a blueprint for rewriting of our nation's cumbersome,
convoluted and complex tax code. Their plan is a strong and
much-needed start to what will surely be an extensive tax reform
discussion. Farm Bureau is very pleased to see the plan includes
several very important features for farmers and ranchers including
full expensing, exclusions for capital gains and repeal of the estate
tax. We look forward to continuing the conversation about meaningful
tax reform that benefits the whole economy.
operates in a world of uncertainty, and we appreciate the focus on
simplifying and streamlining the tax code. Still, the plan runs deep
and wide with bold proposals that will require careful analysis. The
American Farm Bureau Federation will take a serious look at the
proposal and thanks House Republicans for this dedicated
to Have the Latest Energy News Delivered to Your Inbox Daily?
Award winning
broadcast journalist Jerry
Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how
to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click here to
subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.
Stop Now - OSU's Dave Lalman Calls for Continued Industry Shifts for
the Herd of Tomorrow
Extension beef cattle specialist Dr. David Lalman of
Oklahoma State University recently spoke at the Beef Improvement
Federation's annual symposium hosted by Kansas State University in
Manhattan, Kan. in June.
During his lecture, Lalman considered shifts in the beef industry
that have occurred over the last 20 years and argued that efforts for
improvement by producers should continue during the next 20 years.
"The commercial cow/calf segment has basically responded to
requests for improved performance and carcass quality over the past 20
years and that's really where our primary focus has been,"
Lalman said.
"I think over the next 20 years it needs to shift, not
completely, and not shift away, from improving cattle that excel in
the finishing phase of the carcass. However, there comes a point when
with increase in costs and perhaps no change in productivity at the
cow/calf segment, that this shift has got to come to focus on
that," Lalman said.
With the industry's commitment to increase weaning weights in recent
years, Lalman addressed questions that have arisen regarding
increasing milk intake.
"It does not look like weaning weights are increasing over the
last 24 years which is a shocker because most definitely there has
been aggressive selection emphasis on growth it may have something to
do with the environment of a commercial cow calf operation that
generally speaking has lower inputs," Lalman said.
"We've shown time and again, other scientists have shown the
efficiency of the conversion of forage or feed to milk and then from
milk to calf weight gain," he said. "So, I don't think the
answer is to create more weaning weight with more milk."
or Tap Here to hear Lalman talk more about beef cattle
improvement efforts on today's Beef Buzz.
Dr. Darrell Peel Talks
Complexities of the U.S. Beef Market
week Dr. Derrell
Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock
Marketing Specialist, offers his economic analysis of the beef cattle
industry. This analysis is a part of the weekly series known as the
"Cow Calf Corner" published electronically by Dr. Peel and Dr. Glenn Selk.
This week Dr. Peel discusses the complexities of the ever evolving
U.S.cattle and beef market.
"In the midst of a constantly changing set of short term market
forces, it is easy to overlook the enormous market challenges that
are inherently part of cattle and beef markets. Many factors make the
cattle and beef industry arguably the most complex set of markets
"The cattle industry has a single primary objective: to produce
cattle ready for slaughter. This production takes place
in multiple production sectors by different producers
across many regions. Coordination across cow-calf, stocker and
feedlot sectors is primarily accomplished by independent and
unrelated producers through market transactions. Cow-calf, stocker
and feedlot production occur in diverse production
environments ranging from sub-tropical to sub-alpine which
affect how, where and when production is completed. Both supply and
demand in cattle and beef industries are subject to
strong seasonality that add challenges to cattle and beef
markets. The forage based production of cow-calf and most stocker
production is characterized by seasonal forage production which
results in calf production bunched at certain times of the year.
These animals are ultimately spread out into a relatively constant
flow of animals to slaughter throughout the year. The dairy
industry influence on total beef production is significant and
is sometimes complementary to beef markets and sometimes counter to
beef market adjustments.
"The ruminant nature of cattle biology provides both
advantages and disadvantages. Cattle are able to use diverse
feed resources and adjust production systems in ways not
possible for monogastric animals. These adjustments in production can
be used to change the timing of beef production by moving cattle more
quickly or more slowly to market. Cattle have slow reproductive
processes including long gestation periods and one offspring per
gestation. These biological realities contribute, along with other
factors, to slow herd size adjustments over time and the tendency for
the cattle industry to exhibit cycles of production and
prices that cover multiple years.
Today's Forecast-
Hot- The Extended Outlook- Hot
Mid to upper 90s will combine with humidity to give us hear indexes
across almost all of Oklahoma of at least a hundred degrees- parts of
northeastern Oklahoma are expecting worse today- 105 to 113 on the
hear index scale- here's a graphic that shows the worse of the heat-
courtesy of Jed
Castles at News9:
The expectation that daytime highs will be mid to upper 90s well into
next week- no break being predicted at this point by the weather
God Bless! You can reach us at the following:
Oklahoma Farm Bureau is Proud to be the
Presenting Sponsor of the Ron Hays Daily Farm and Ranch News Email